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Publications of Fahad Khan

Publications are sorted acording to type and listed in reverse chronological order. Click on the name of the publication to view the full paper.
These papers are made available for personal use only, subject to author's and publisher's copyright.
An overview of my publications is also available in Google Scholar.

[Journal Articles] [Conference Papers] [Theses and Book Chapters]

Journal Articles

Conference Papers

Theses and Book Chapters

Fahad Khan

Fahad Khan


Postal address:
Computer Vision Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
+46(0)13 281849
Visit me at:
Building B, Campus Valla
Room 2A:518
- first floor, corridor A,
- between entrances B25 and B27

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My pages:

Informationsansvarig: Fahad Khan
Senast uppdaterad: 2017-03-08