There is also a pdf-file available for download, please click here.
Bibliometric information (Google Scholar) is available here.Working papers
[WP1] Thomas B. Schön. Nonlinear system identification using sequential Monte Carlo methods. Encyclopedia of Systems and Control (Eds. T. Samad and J. Baillieul) Springer, 2013.
Journal papers
[J16] Fredrik Lindsten and Thomas B. Schön. Backward simulation methods for Monte Carlo statistical inference. Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning, 6(1):1-143, 2013. [pdf] [now]
[J15] Fredrik Lindsten, Thomas B. Schön and Michael I. Jordan. Bayesian semiparametric Wiener system identification. Automatica, 49(7): 2053-2063, July 2013. [pdf] [Automatica] [BibTeX]
[J14] Adrian Wills, Thomas B. Schön, Lennart Ljung and Brett Ninness. Identification of Hammerstein-Wiener Models. Automatica, 49(1): 70-81, January 2013. [pdf] [Automatica] [BibTeX]
[J13] Karl Granström, Thomas B. Schön, Juan I. Nieto, and Fabio T. Ramos. Learning to close loops from range data. International Journal of Robotics Research 30(14): 1728--1754, December 2011. [pdf] [IJRR] [BibTeX]
[J12] Christian Lundquist and Thomas B. Schön. Joint ego-motion and road geometry estimation. Information Fusion, 12(4):253-263, October 2011. [pdf] [Elsevier] [BibTeX]
[J11] Xiao-Li Hu, Thomas B. Schön and Lennart Ljung. A General Convergence Result for Particle Filtering. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59(7):3424--3429, July 2011. [pdf] [IEEE] [BibTeX]
[J10] Tianshi Chen, Thomas B. Schön, Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. Decentralized Particle Filter with Arbitrary State Decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59(2):465-478, February 2011. [pdf] [IEEE] [BibTeX]
[J9] Thomas B. Schön, Adrian Wills and Brett Ninness. System Identification of Nonlinear State-Space Models. Automatica, 47(1):39-49, January 2011. [pdf] [Automatica] [BibTeX] [Code]
[J8] Jeroen D. Hol, Thomas B. Schön and Fredrik Gustafsson. Modeling and Calibration of Inertial and Vision Sensors. International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 29(2):231-244, February 2010. [pdf] [IJRR] [Data set] [BibTeX]
[J7] David Törnqvist, Thomas B. Schön, Rickard Karlsson and Fredrik Gustafsson. Particle Filter SLAM with High Dimensional Vehicle Model. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 55(4-5):249-266, August 2009. [pdf] [Springer] [BibTeX]
[J6] Xiao-Li Hu, Thomas B. Schön and Lennart Ljung. A Basic Convergence Result for Particle Filtering. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 56(4):1337-1348, April 2008. [pdf] [IEEE] [BibTeX]
[J5] Jeroen D. Hol, Thomas B. Schön, Henk Luinge, Per J. Slycke and Fredrik Gustafsson. Robust Real-Time Tracking by Fusing Measurements from Inertial and Vision Sensors. Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, 2(2):149-160, 2007. [pdf] [Springer] [BibTeX]
[J4] J, Chandaria, G. Thomas, B. Bartczak, K. Koeser, R. Koch, M. Becker, G. Bleser, D. Stricker, C. Wohlleber, M. Felsberg, F. Gustafsson, J. D. Hol, T. B. Schön, J. Skoglund, P. J. Slycke, and S. Smeitz. Realtime Camera Tracking in the MATRIS Project. SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal, 116(7-8):266-271, July-August 2007. [SMPTE] [BibTeX]
[J3] Markus Gerdin, Thomas B. Schön, Torkel Glad, Fredrik Gustafsson and Lennart Ljung. On Parameter and State Estimation for Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations. Automatica, 43(3):416-425, March 2007. [pdf] [Automatica] [BibTeX]
[J2] Rickard Karlsson, Thomas Schön and Fredrik Gustafsson. Complexity Analysis of the Marginalized Particle Filter. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 53(11):4408-4411, November 2005. [pdf] [IEEE] [BibTeX]
[J1] Thomas Schön, Fredrik Gustafsson, and Per-Johan Nordlund. Marginalized Particle Filters for Mixed Linear/Nonlinear State-Space Models. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 53(7):2279-2289, July 2005. [pdf] [IEEE] [BibTeX]
Book chapters
[BC3] Christian Lundquist, Thomas B. Schön and Fredrik Gustafsson. Situational awareness and road prediction for trajectory control applications. Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles (Ed. A. Eskandarian), Springer, 2012. [pdf] [Springer]
[BC2] Fredrik Gustafsson, Umut Orguner, Thomas B. Schön, Per Skoglar and Rickard Karlsson. Navigation and Tracking of Road-Bound Vehicles. Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles (Ed. A. Eskandarian), Springer, 2012. [pdf] [Springer]
[BC1] Thomas B. Schön, Fredrik Gustafsson and Rickard Karlsson. The Particle Filter in Practice. The Oxford Handbook of Nonlinear Filtering (Eds. D. Crisan and B. Rozovskii), Oxford University Press, 2011. [pdf] [Oxford]
Conference papers
[C65] Roger Frigola, Fredrik Lindsten, Thomas B. Schön and Carl E. Rasmussen. Bayesian inference and learning in Gaussian process state-space models with particle MCMC. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 26, Lake Tahoe, NV, USA, December, 2013 (accepted for publication). [pdf] [supplemental]
[C64] Fredrik Lindsten, Pete Bunch, Simon J. Godsill and Thomas B. Schön. Rao-Blackwellized particle smoothers for mixed linear/nonlinear state-space models. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013. [pdf]
[C63] Manon Kok, Niklas Wahlström, Thomas B. Schön and Fredrik Gustafsson. MEMS-based inertial navigation based on a magnetic field map. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013. [pdf]
[C62] Niklas Wahlström, Manon Kok, Thomas B. Schön and Fredrik Gustafsson. Modeling magnetic fields using Gaussian processes. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013. [pdf]
[C61] Johan Dahlin, Fredrik Lindsten and Thomas B. Schön. Particle Metropolis Hastings using Langevin dynamics. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013. [pdf] [code]
[C60] Ehsan Taghavi, Fredrik Lindsten, Lennart Svensson and Thomas B. Schön. Adaptive stopping for fast particle smoothing. Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013. [pdf]
[C59] Fredrik Lindsten, Michael I. Jordan and Thomas B. Schön, Ancestor Sampling for Particle Gibbs. Proceedings of Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Lake Tahoe, NV, USA, December, 2012. [pdf] [supplemental] [NIPS]
[C58] Manon Kok, Jeroen Hol, Thomas B. Schön, Fredrik Gustafsson, Henk Luinge, Calibration of a magnetometer in combination with inertial sensors. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Fusion, Singapore, July 2012. [pdf] [IEEE]
[C57] Tohid Ardeshiri, Umut Orguner, Christian Lundquist, Thomas B. Schön, On Mixture Reduction for Multiple Target Tracking. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Information Fusion, Singapore, July 2012. [pdf] [IEEE]
[C56] Fredrik Lindsten, Thomas B. Schön and Michael I. Jordan, A semiparametric Bayesian approach to Wiener system identification. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Brussels, Belgium, July 2012. [pdf] [code] [IFAC] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J15] available for this work)
[C55] Johan Dahlin, Fredrik Lindsten, Thomas B. Schön and Adrian Wills, Hierarchical Bayesian ARX models for robust inference. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Brussels, Belgium, July 2012. [pdf] [Code] [IFAC]
[C54] Fredrik Lindsten, Thomas B. Schön and Lennart Svensson, A non-degenerate Rao-Blackwellised particle filter for estimating static parameters in dynamical models. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Brussels, Belgium, July 2012. [pdf] [IFAC]
[C53] Soren Henriksen, Adrian Wills, Thomas B. Schön and Brett Ninness, Parallel Implementation of Particle MCMC Methods on a GPU. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Brussels, Belgium, July 2012. [pdf] [IFAC]
[C52] Adrian Wills, Thomas B. Schön, Fredrik Lindsten and Brett Ninness, Estimation of Linear Systems using a Gibbs Sampler. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Brussels, Belgium, July 2012. [pdf] [IFAC]
[C51] Fredrik Lindsten and Thomas B. Schön. On the use of backward simulation in the particle Gibbs sampler. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Kyoto, Japan, March 2012. [pdf] [IEEE] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J16] available for this work)
[C50] Adrian G. Wills, Thomas B. Schön, Lennart Ljung and Brett Ninness, Blind Identification of Wiener Models. Proceedings of the 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Milan, Italy, August-September 2011. [pdf] [IFAC] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J14] available for this work)
[C49] Fredrik Lindsten, Thomas B. Schön and Jimmy Olsson, An explicit variance reduction expression for the Rao-Blackwellised particle filter. Proceedings of the 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Milan, Italy, August-September 2011. [pdf] [IFAC]
[C48] R. Bhushan Gopaluni, Thomas B. Schön and Adrian G. Wills, Input Design for Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamic Systems - A Particle Filter Approach. Proceedings of the 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Milan, Italy, August-September 2011. [pdf] [IFAC]
[C47] Zoran Sjanic, Martin A. Skoglund, Thomas B. Schön and Fredrik Gustafsson, A Nonlinear Least-Squares Approach to the SLAM Problem. Proceedings of the 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Milan, Italy, August-September 2011. [pdf] [IFAC] [BibTeX] [Data set]
[C46] Emil Nilsson, Christian Lundquist, Thomas B. Schön, David Forslund and Jacob Roll, Vehicle Motion Estimation Using an Infrared Camera. Proceedings of the 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Milan, Italy, August-September 2011. [pdf] [IFAC]
[C45] Tohid Ardeshiri, Fredrik Larsson, Fredrik Gustafsson, Thomas B. Schön and Michael Felsberg, Bicycle Tracking Using Ellipse Extraction. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Fusion, Chicago, IL, USA, July, 2011. [pdf] Honorable mention, nominated for the best student paper award.
[C44] Fredrik Lindsten and Thomas B. Schön, Identification of Mixed Linear/Nonlinear State-Space Models. Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Atlanta, USA, December 2010. [pdf] [IEEE]
[C43] Brett Ninness, Adrian Wills and Thomas B. Schön, Estimation of General Nonlinear State-Space Systems. Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Atlanta, USA, December 2010. [pdf] [IEEE]
[C42] Adrian Wills, Thomas B. Schön and Brett Ninness, Estimating State-Space Models in Innovations Form using the Expectation Maximisation Algorithm. Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Atlanta, USA, December 2010. [pdf] [IEEE]
[C41] Tianshi Chen, Thomas B. Schön, Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. Decentralized Particle Filter with State Partitioning. Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Atlanta, USA, December 2010. [pdf] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J10] available for this work)
[C40] Karl Granström and Thomas B. Schön. Learning to Close the Loop from 3D Point Clouds. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS). Taipei, Taiwan, October 2010. [pdf] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J13] available for this work)
[C39] Jeroen Hol, Thomas B. Schön and Fredrik Gustafsson, Ultra-Wideband Calibration for Indoor Positioning. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB), Nanjing, China, September 2010. [pdf] [IEEE]
[C38] Magnus Axholt, Martin Skoglund, Stephen D. Peterson, Matthew D. Cooper, Thomas B. Schön, Fredrik Gustafsson, Anders Ynnerman and Stephen. R. Ellis. Optical See-Through Head Mounted Display Direct Linear Transformation Calibration Robustness in the Presence of User Alignment Noise. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) , San Francisco, CA, USA, September 2010. [Ingentaconnect]
[C37] Michael Felsberg, Fredrik Larsson, Wang Han, Anders Ynnerman and Thomas B. Schön. Torchlight Navigation. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Istanbul, Turkey, August 2010. [pdf] [IEEE] [Video]
[C36] Fredrik Lindsten, Jonas Callmer, Henrik Ohlsson, David Törnqvist, Thomas B. Schön, Fredrik Gustafsson, Geo-referencing for UAV Navigation using Environmental Classification. Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 2010. [pdf] [IEEE]
[C35] Carsten Fritsche, Thomas B. Schön and Anja Klein, The Marginalized Auxiliary Particle Filter. Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP), Aruba, Dutch Antilles, December 2009. [pdf] [IEEE]
[C34] Robert Henriksson, Mikael Norrlöf, Stig Moberg, Erik Wernholt and Thomas B. Schön, Experimental Comparison of Observers for Tool Position Estimation of Industrial Robots. Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Shanghai, China, December 2009. [pdf] [IEEE]
[C33] Jeroen Hol, Fred Dijkstra, Henk Luinge and Thomas B. Schön, Tightly Coupled UWB/IMU Pose Estimation. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB), Vancouver, Canada, September 2009. [pdf] [IEEE] Best student paper award.
[C32] Christian Lundquist and Thomas B. Schön, Recursive Identification of Cornering Stiffness Parameters for an Enhanced Single Track Model. Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Saint-Malo, France, July 2009. [pdf] [IFAC]
[C31] Bhushan Gopaluni, Thomas B. Schön and Adrian Wills, Particle Filter Approach to Nonlinear System Identification under Missing Observations with a Real Application. Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Saint-Malo, France, July 2009. [pdf] [IFAC]
[C30] Henrik Tidefelt and Thomas B. Schön, Robust point-mass filters on manifolds. Proceedings of the 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Saint-Malo, France, July 2009. [pdf] [IFAC]
[C29] Thomas B. Schön and Jacob Roll, Ego-Motion and Indirect Road Geometry Estimation Using Night Vision. Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IV), Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, June 2009. [pdf] [IEEE]
[C28] Christian Lundquist, Umut Orguner and Thomas B. Schön, Tracking Stationary Extended Objects for Road Mapping using Radar Measurements. Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (IV), Xi'an, Shaanxi, China, June 2009. [pdf] [IEEE]
[C27] Christian Lundquist and Thomas B. Schön, Estimation of the Free Space in Front of a Moving Vehicle. Proceedings of the SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, USA, April 2009. [pdf] [SAE] (note that there is a more complete book chapter [BC3] available for this work)
[C26] Umut Orguner, Thomas B. Schön, and Fredrik Gustafsson, Improved Target Tracking with Road Network Information. Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, March 2009. [pdf] [IEEE] (note that there is a more complete book chapter [BC2] available for this work)
[C25] David Törnqvist, Thomas B. Schön, and Fredrik Gustafsson, Detecting Spurious Features using Parity Space. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2008. [pdf] [IEEE]
[C24] Jeroen D. Hol, Thomas B. Schön, and Fredrik Gustafsson, A New Algorithm for Calibrating a Combined Camera and IMU Sensor Unit. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV), Hanoi, Vietnam, December 2008. [pdf] [IEEE] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J8] available for this work)
[C23] Thomas B. Schön, Fusion of data from different sources. In Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement (3DMA), Invited plenary lecture (the H.J. Woltring lecture), Santpoort-Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2008. [pdf]
[C22] Jeroen D. Hol, Thomas B. Schön, and Fredrik Gustafsson, Relative Pose Calibration of a Spherical Camera and an IMU. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE and ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 2008. [pdf] [IEEE] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J8] available for this work)
[C21] Christian Lundquist and Thomas B. Schön, Road Geometry Estimation and Vehicle Tracking using a Single Track Model. Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 2008. [pdf] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J12] available for this work)
[C20] Adrian Wills, Thomas B. Schön and B. Ninness, Parameter Estimation for Discrete-Time Nonlinear Systems Using EM. Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, July 2008. [pdf] [IFAC] [Code] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J9] available for this work)
[C19] Fredrik Gustafsson, Thomas B. Schön, Jeroen Hol, Sensor Fusion for Augmented Reality. Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, South Korea, July 2008. [pdf]
[C18] Rickard Karlsson, Thomas B. Schön, David Törnqvist, Gianpaolo Conte and Fredrik Gustafsson, Utilizing Model Structure for Efficient Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for a UAV Application. Proceedings 2008 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, USA, March 2008. [pdf] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J7] available for this work)
[C17] Xiao-Li Hu, Thomas B. Schön and Lennart Ljung, A Robust Particle Filter for State Estimation - with Convergence Results. Proceedings of the 46th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), New Orleans, LA, USA, December 2007. [pdf] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J6] available for this work)
[C16] Thomas B. Schön, David Törnqvist and Fredrik Gustafsson, Fast particle filters for multi-rate sensors. Proceedings of the 15th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2007), Poznan, Poland, September 2007. [pdf]
[C15] Xiao-Li Hu, Thomas B. Schön and Lennart Ljung, A Basic Convergence Result for Particle Filtering. Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS 2007), Pretoria, South Africa, August 2007. [pdf] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J6] available for this work)
[C14] Thomas B. Schön, Rickard Karlsson, David Törnqvist and Fredrik Gustafsson, A Framework for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Utilizing Model Structure. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Fusion, Quebec, Canada, July 2007. [pdf] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J7] available for this work)
[C13] Fredrik Gustafsson, Thomas B. Schön, Rickard Karlsson and Per-Johan Nordlund, State-of-the-Art for the Marginalized Particle Filter. Nonlinear Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 2006. [pdf]
[C12] Jeroen D. Hol, Thomas B. Schön and Fredrik Gustafsson, On Resampling Algorithms for Particle Filters. Nonlinear Statistical Signal Processing Workshop, Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 2006. [pdf]
[C11] J. Chandaria, G. Thomas, B. Bartczak, K. Koeser, R. Koch, M. Becker, G. Bleser, D. Stricker, C. Wohlleber, M. Felsberg, F. Gustafsson, J. Hol, T. B. Schön, J. Skoglund, P. Slycke and S. Smeitz, Real-time Camera Tracking in the Matris Project. International Broadcasting Convention (IBC), Amsterdam, The Neatherlands, August 2006. [pdf]
[C10] Jeroen D. Hol, Thomas B. Schön, Fredrik Gustafsson and P. Slycke, Sensor Fusion for Augmented Reality. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Information Fusion, Florence, Italy, July 2006. [pdf] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J5] available for this work)
[C9] Thomas B. Schön, Rickard Karlsson and Fredrik Gustafsson, The Marginalized Particle Filter - Analysis, Applications and Generalizations. Workshop on Sequential Monte Carlo Methods: filtering and other applications, Oxford, United Kingdom, July 2006. [pdf]
[C8] Thomas B. Schön, Andreas Eidehall and Fredrik Gustafsson, Lane Departure Detection for Improved Road Geometry Estimation. Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pages 546-551, Tokyo, Japan, June 2006. [pdf]
[C7] Thomas B. Schön, Adrian Wills and Brett Ninness, Maximum Likelihood Nonlinear System Estimation. Proceedings 14th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, pages 1003-1008, Newcastle, Australia, Mar. 2006. [pdf] [Code] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J9] available for this work)
[C6] Thomas B. Schön, Rickard Karlsson and Fredrik Gustafsson, The Marginalized Particle Filter in Practice. Proceedings 2006 IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, USA, Mar. 2006. [pdf] (note that there is a more complete book chapter [BC1] available for this work)
[C5] Thomas B. Schön, and Fredrik Gustafsson, Integrated navigation of cameras for augmented reality. Proceedings of the 16th IFAC World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, Jul. 2005. [pdf]
[C4] Andreas Eidehall, Thomas B. Schön, and Fredrik Gustafsson, The Marginalized Particle Filter for Automotive Tracking Applications. Proceedings of 2005 IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, pages 369-374, Las Vegas, USA, Jun. 2005. [pdf]
[C3] Thomas Schön, Markus Gerdin, Torkel Glad, and Fredrik Gustafsson. A modeling and filtering framework for linear implicit systems. Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 892 - 897, Maui, Hawaii, USA, Dec. 2003. [pdf] (note that there is a more complete journal version [J3] available for this work)
[C2] Thomas Schön and Fredrik Gustafsson. Particle filters for system identification of state-space models linear in either parameters or states. Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, pages 1287 - 1292, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Sep. 2003. [pdf]
[C1] Thomas Schön, Fredrik Gustafsson, and Anders Hansson. A Note on State Estimation as a Convex Optimization Problem. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. 6, pages 61-64, Hong Kong, Apr. 2003. [pdf]
Relevant national conferences
[NC3] Joel Hermansson, Andreas Gising, Martin Skoglund and Thomas B. Schön. Autonomous Landing of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Reglermöte (Swedish Control Conference), Lund, Sweden, June 2010. [pdf]
[NC2] Michael Felsberg, Fredrik Larsson, Wang Han, Anders Ynnerman and Thomas B. Schön. Torch Guided Navigation. Swedish Symposium on Image Analysis (SSBA), Uppsala, Sweden, March 2010. Nominated for the best industry-relevant paper award. [pdf] [Video]
[NC1] Viktor Kolbe, Folke Isaksson, Thomas Beckman and Thomas B. Schön, Indoor photorealistic 3D mapping using stereo images from SLR cameras. Swedish Symposium on Image Analysis (SSBA), Halmstad, Sweden, March 2009. Nominated for the best industry-relevant paper award. [pdf]
Technical reports not published elsewhere
[TR5] Fredrik Lindsten and Thomas B. Schön. On the use of backward simulation in particle Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. March 2012. [arXiv]
[TR4] Fredrik Lindsten and Thomas B. Schön, Rao-Blackwellised particle smoothers for mixed linear/nonlinear state-space models. Division of Automatic Control, Linköping University, Sweden, May 2011. [pdf]
[TR3] Thomas B. Schön and Fredrik Lindsten, Manipulating the Multivariate Gaussian Density. Division of Automatic Control, Linköping University, Sweden, January 2011. [pdf]
[TR2] Fredrik Lindsten and Thomas B. Schön, Inference in Mixed Linear/Nonlinear State-Space Models using Sequential Monte Carlo. Division of Automatic Control, Linköping University, Sweden, Technical Report nr: LiTH-ISY-R-2946, March 2010. [pdf]
[TR1] Thomas B. Schön, An Explanation of the Expectation Maximization Algorithm. Division of Automatic Control, Linköping University, Sweden, Technical Report nr: LiTH-ISY-R-2915, August 2009. [pdf]
Informal notes
[IN1] Thomas B. Schön, Preliminary Notes on the Interplay Between Estimation and Optimization Problems. Division of Automatic Control, Linköping University, Sweden, January, 2009. [pdf]
[T1] Thomas B. Schön, Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems - Theory and Applications, Linköping Studies in Science and Technology, Dissertations. No. 998, February 2006. [pdf]
[T2] Thomas Schön, On Computational Methods for Nonlinear Estimation, Linköping Studies in Science and Technology, Thesis No. 1047, October, 2003. [pdf]

Associate Professor in Automatic Control
- Phone:
- +46 13 281373
- Mobile (private):
- +46 735 933 887
- E-mail:
- Address:
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Linköping University
- SE-581 83 Linköping
- Sweden
- Visiting Address:
- Campus Valla
- Building B
- Room 2A:NNN (in the A corridor on the ground floor between entrance 25 and 27)
Page responsible: Thomas Schön
Last updated: 2014-03-01