General information is also available about all the courses given at the Division of Automatic Control.
Active courses
- PhD course, Machine Learning.
- PhD course, Computational Inference in Dynamical Systems.
- Master's course, Digital Signal Processing.
- Undergraduate course, Automatic Control.
Current and Upcoming Courses
- I am responsible for the technical profile on Electrical Engineering within the Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management program (since 2008).
Previous Courses (2006-present)
- PhD course, Machine Learning at Linköping University, Sweden 2013 and 2011.
- PhD course, Computational Inference in Dynamical Systems at the Royal institute of technology, Stockholm, Sweden, November 2012.
- PhD course, Computational Inference in Dynamical Systems at USYD, Sydney, Australia, October 2012.
- PhD course, Computational Inference in Dynamical Systems at Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Bressels, Belgium, June 2012.
- PhD course, Machine Learning at Lund University, Sweden, 2011.
- PhD course (guest lecturer), Least Squares Estimation and SLAM at Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 2011.
- Master's course, Digital Signal Processing, 2009-2012.
- PhD course, Dynamic Vision, 2009.
- Undergraduate course, Automatic Control, 2006-2013.
- Undergraduate course, Linear Feedback Systems, 2009.
- Undergraduate course, Automatic Control, Advanced Course, 2008.

Associate Professor in Automatic Control
- Phone:
- +46 13 281373
- Mobile (private):
- +46 735 933 887
- E-mail:
- Address:
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Linköping University
- SE-581 83 Linköping
- Sweden
- Visiting Address:
- Campus Valla
- Building B
- Room 2A:NNN (in the A corridor on the ground floor between entrance 25 and 27)
Page responsible: Thomas Schön
Last updated: 2013-08-08