Computational Inference in Dynamical Systems
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Implementation projects
There is a possibility to obtain 2hp for this course. To obtain the 2hp you are expected to implement and replicate some of the results presented in published scientific paper relevant for the topic of this course. If you can chose a paper that is relevant for your research that is of course highly encouraged.
The projects are to be carried our individually, but you are highly encouraged to discuss and interact with your fellow students, your supervisor and other interested parties.
Your implementation projects will be examined based on two short documents, one project proposal and one final report. Detains concerning these reports is provided below together with the deadlines.
Active projects
The table below contains the projects of the 2012 course.
Student | Research group | Project name |
Afrooz Ebadat | Automatic Control | Particle filters for system identification of state-space models linear in either parameters or states |
Tetiana Bogodorova | Electric Power Systems (KTH) | Monte Carlo Localization |
Liang Dai | Systems and Control (UU) | Maximum likelihood estimation of Wiener models |
Joel Kronander | C Research (LiU) | Exploring the use of multiple importance sampling in particle filters |
Wei Li | Electric Power Systems (KTH) | Importance Sampling for Dynamic Security Analysis of Hybrid AC and DC Network |
Klas Magnusson | Signal processing (KTH) | Implementing the Gaussian mixture probability nhypothesis density filter for cell tracking |
Petter Wirfält | Signal processing (KTH) | Implementing the particle filter |
- Project Proposal: The report should contain the following:
- Background and a clear statement of the aim of this project.
- References to the paper you intent to implement, other relevant papers.
- Briefly explain your how you intend to realize the project.
- If possible (i.e., not mandatory), also indicate any ideas for future research (not part of the project) that you see related to your project.
- Final Report: The final report should contain the following:
- Clear problem formulation and background with references to the relevant related work. This part should also explain in what way your project relates to the course.
- Clearly show your results using the necessary graphs, tables, etc.
- A discussion where you reflect upon the strengths and weaknesses of the paper. For example, how would you rewrite the paper given the knowledge you have after your project?
- A discussion on future research.
Time table
- December 5: Hand in project proposal
- December 21: Hand in final report
You hand in your report by sending an email with the pdf attached to Thomas Schön (email: and Cristian Rojas (email:

Associate Professor in Automatic Control
- Phone:
- +46 13 281373
- Mobile (private):
- +46 735 933 887
- E-mail:
- Address:
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Linköping University
- SE-581 83 Linköping
- Sweden
- Visiting Address:
- Campus Valla
- Building B
- Room 2A:NNN (in the A corridor on the ground floor between entrance 25 and 27)
Page responsible: Thomas Schön
Last updated: 2012-12-07