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PhD Courses

A complete list of the Ph.D. courses Patrik Axelsson has finished and scheduled is presented below.

Year Course name Credits (ECTS) Status

2009 Spring Robot Modeling and Control 6 Completed
Differential Geometry 8 Completed
Robust Multivariable Control 9 Completed
2009 Fall Nonlinear Systems 9 Completed
Matrix Algebra 9 Completed
Target Tracking 6 Completed
2010 Spring System Identification 9+3 Completed
Convex Optimization 9 Completed
2010 Summer Applied Control and Sensor Fusion 6 Completed
2010 Fall Linear Systems 9 Completed
2011 Spring Universitetspedagogik, Steg 1: Lärande, undervisning och kunskap (LUK) 6 Completed
Process Control 9 Completed
2012 Spring Nonlinear Optimization, Equations and Least Squares 9 Completed
2012 Fall Optimal Control 6 Completed
2013 Spring Machine Learning 9 Completed

Total 122 (122 Finished)

The limit for graduation at Automatic Control is 120 ECTS credits.

Patrik Axelsson

Doktorand i reglerteknik

+46 13 28 13 65
Inst. för systemteknik
Linköpings universitet
581 83 Linköping
Campus Valla
Rum 2A:529 (i A-korridoren på bottenvåningen mellan ingång 25 och 27)

Informationsansvarig: Patrik Axelsson
Senast uppdaterad: 2013-11-14