Martin Enqvist: Teaching
Current teaching activities
Martin Enqvist is currently involved in the following teaching activities:- Examiner and lecturer in TSRT07 Industriell reglerteknik (Industrial Control Systems).
- Examiner and lecturer in TSRT91 Reglerteknik (Automatic Control) for the Information Technology program.
- Examiner for a number of students who are writing their MSc theses.
- Responsible for the study profile Styr- och informationssystem (Control and Information Systems) for the Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering program.
- Member and vice chairman of the committee for electrical engineering, physics and mathematics education (EF-nämnden) at Linköping University.
Previous teaching activities
Graduate courses
- 2015:
- Adaptive Control and Recursive System Identification.
- 2010:
- Organizer of the graduate project course Applied Control and Sensor Fusion together with David Törnqvist.
Examiner and lecturer in undergraduate courses
- 2008 - 2017:
- Industriell reglerteknik (Industrial Control Systems) (10 times)
- 2010 - 2016:
- Reglerteknik (Automatic Control) (8 times)
- 2009:
- Realtidsprocesser och reglering (Real Time Process Control) (once)
- 2007:
- Digital styrning (Digital Control) (once)
Teaching assistant in undergraduate courses
- 2004 & 2005:
- Reglerteknisk projektkurs (Automatic Control Project Course) (twice)
- 2001 - 2004:
- Reglerteori (Control Theory) (4 times)
- 2004:
- Modellbygge och simulering (Modeling and Simulation) (once)
- 2001 & 2002:
- Digital styrning (Digital Control) (twice)
- 1999 - 2002:
- Reglerteknik (Automatic Control) (7 times)
- 1997 & 1998:
- Propedeutisk kurs i matematik (Introductory Mathematics) (twice)
Lab assistant in undergraduate courses
- 1999 - today:
- Lab assistant in various labs in automatic control, modeling and signal processing.
Course development
Martin Enqvist has been involved in a number of course development projects (cf. his CV for a detailed list).
Examiner for MSc students
- [MSc43] Lucas Nilsson: Estimation of Ship Properties for Energy Efficient Automation
- [MSc42] Johan Toverland: Thermal Modelling of Voicecoils in Microspeakers
- [MSc41] Sofia Johnsen (and Sarah Felldin): Improving Knowledge of Truck Fuel Consumption Using Data Analysis
- [MSc40] Sofia Larsson Cahlin: Real-time Estimation of Aerodynamic Parameters
- [MSc39] Ingrid Kugelberg: Black-Box Modeling and Attitude Control of a Quadcopter
- [MSc38] Marcus Bäck: Grey-box Modelling of a Quadrotor Using Closed-loop Data
- [MSc37] Joachim Larsson: CPU Load Control of LTE Radio Base Station
- [MSc36] Marcus Trulsson and John Wilhelms: Open Loop Control of Piezoelectric Cantilever Speaker
- [MSc35] Carl-Philip Forss: Analysis and Visualization of Validation Results
- [MSc34] Johan Karlén: Uncertainty Quantification of a Large 1-D Dynamic Aircraft System Simulation Model
- [MSc33] Henric Edlund: Model-based Automatic Tuning and Control of a Three-axis Camera Gimbal
- [MSc32] Pär Lundgren: Using Homographies for Vehicle Motion Estimation
- [MSc31] Rickard Sjölund & Nicklas Vedin: Steering System Modelling for Heavy Duty Vehicles
- [MSc30] Henning Roos: Utveckling av verktyg för linjär analys av JAS 39 Gripens styrsystem
- [MSc29] Mikael Rosell: Semi-Supervised Learning for Object Detection
- [MSc28] Henrik Felixson: Vehicle Ahead Property Estimation in Heavy Duty Vehicles
- [MSc27] Ylva Björk and Ebba Wilhelmsson: Linearisation of Micro Loudspeakers Using Adaptive Control
- [MSc26] Johan Särnbrink: Systemidentifiering och reglering av en luftningsbassäng på ett reningsverk
- [MSc25] Robert Hallberg: Target Classification Based on Kinematics
- [MSc24] Jonas Källman: Ship Power Estimation for Marine Vessels Based on System Identification
- [MSc23] Hanna Pettersson: Estimation and Pre-Processing of Sensor Data in Heavy Duty Vehicle Platooning
- [MSc22] Marcus Arvidsson & Daniel Karlsson: Attenuation of Harmonic Distortion in Loudspeakers Using Non-linear Control
- [MSc21] Ola Tybrandt: Distribution of Cooling to Avionics
- [MSc20] Dino Kapidzic: Reglering av vridbord
- [MSc19] Calle Skillsäter: Evaluation and Configuration of a Control Loop Asset Monitoring Tool
- 2010:
- [MSc18] Emil Granberg: Modelling of a Separator Discharge System
- [MSc17] Anton Höghäll: Tuning of Metaheuristics for Systems Biology Applications
- [MSc16] Oscar Samuelsson: Benchmarking Global Optimization Algorithms for Core Prediction Identification
- [MSc15] Tony Gillberg: Adaptiva metoder för systemidentifiering med inriktning mot direkt viktoptimering
- 2009:
- [MSc14] Peter Nyberg: Evaluation of Two Methods for Identifiability Testing
- [MSc13] Mattias Lager: Modellering av uppdragsberäkningar i JAS 39 Gripen
- [MSc12] Peter Jägerback: En indirekt metod för adaptiv reglering av en helikopter
- 2008:
- [MSc11] Andreas Gising: MALLS -- Mobile Automatic Launch and Landing Station for VTOL UAVs
Supervisor for MSc students
- 2005:
- [MSc10] Niklas Karlsson: Analysis and Modeling of String Instruments
- [MSc9] Peter Holmqvist: Automatisk bedömning av reglerkretsars prestanda
- 2004:
- [MSc8] Arvid Rosén: Analysis and Modeling of Vacuum Tube Power Amplifiers
- [MSc7] Johan Kälvesten: Signal Processing and Algorithm Evaluation Tool for Collision Prediction and Crash Sensing Automotive Radars
- [MSc6] Peter Gäärd: Kappa Control with Online Analyzer Using Samples from the Digester's Mid-phase
- [MSc5] David Andersson & Johan Fjellström: Vehicle Positioning with Map Matching Using Integration of a Dead Reckoning System and GPS
- [MSc4] Niklas Odelholm: Identification and Simulation of the Nonlinearities and Acoustic Properties of a Loudspeaker
- 2003:
- [MSc3] Per Connman & Oscar Öberg: System Identification of Nonlinear Electronic Devices
- [MSc2] Daniel Rosell: Modellering och simulering av tryckreglersystemet till en kärnkraftsreaktor
- 2002:
- [MSc1] Henrik Johansson: Gain Scheduled Missile Control Using Robust Loop Shaping
Examiner for BSc students
- [BSc1] Mikael Wessén: Förbättrad manuell styrning av staplingskran
Examiner for internship students
- 2009:
- Jochen Withopf: Modeling of a Guitar Loudspeaker Cabinet in a Reverberant Environment
- 2008:
- Christian Schreck: Simulations Programmed with the Automatic Control Software Proview

Universitetslektor och docent i reglerteknik
- Telefon:
- +46 13 281393
- Mobiltelefon:
- +46 70 0895175
- E-post:
- Adress:
- Inst. för systemteknik
- Linköpings universitet
- 581 83 Linköping
- Besöksadress:
- Campus Valla
- B-huset
- Rum 2A:552 (i A-korridoren på bottenvåningen mellan ingång 25 och 27)
Informationsansvarig: Martin Enqvist
Senast uppdaterad: 2017-03-20