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Martin Enqvist: Teaching

Current teaching activities

Martin Enqvist is currently involved in the following teaching activities:

Previous teaching activities

Graduate courses

Adaptive Control and Recursive System Identification.
Organizer of the graduate project course Applied Control and Sensor Fusion together with David Törnqvist.

Examiner and lecturer in undergraduate courses

2008 - 2017:
Industriell reglerteknik (Industrial Control Systems) (10 times)
2010 - 2016:
Reglerteknik (Automatic Control) (8 times)
Realtidsprocesser och reglering (Real Time Process Control) (once)
Digital styrning (Digital Control) (once)

Teaching assistant in undergraduate courses

2004 & 2005:
Reglerteknisk projektkurs (Automatic Control Project Course) (twice)
2001 - 2004:
Reglerteori (Control Theory) (4 times)
Modellbygge och simulering (Modeling and Simulation) (once)
2001 & 2002:
Digital styrning (Digital Control) (twice)
1999 - 2002:
Reglerteknik (Automatic Control) (7 times)
1997 & 1998:
Propedeutisk kurs i matematik (Introductory Mathematics) (twice)

Lab assistant in undergraduate courses

1999 - today:
Lab assistant in various labs in automatic control, modeling and signal processing.

Course development

Martin Enqvist has been involved in a number of course development projects (cf. his CV for a detailed list).

Examiner for MSc students

[MSc43] Lucas Nilsson: Estimation of Ship Properties for Energy Efficient Automation
[MSc42] Johan Toverland: Thermal Modelling of Voicecoils in Microspeakers
[MSc41] Sofia Johnsen (and Sarah Felldin): Improving Knowledge of Truck Fuel Consumption Using Data Analysis
[MSc40] Sofia Larsson Cahlin: Real-time Estimation of Aerodynamic Parameters
[MSc39] Ingrid Kugelberg: Black-Box Modeling and Attitude Control of a Quadcopter
[MSc38] Marcus Bäck: Grey-box Modelling of a Quadrotor Using Closed-loop Data
[MSc37] Joachim Larsson: CPU Load Control of LTE Radio Base Station
[MSc36] Marcus Trulsson and John Wilhelms: Open Loop Control of Piezoelectric Cantilever Speaker
[MSc35] Carl-Philip Forss: Analysis and Visualization of Validation Results
[MSc34] Johan Karlén: Uncertainty Quantification of a Large 1-D Dynamic Aircraft System Simulation Model
[MSc33] Henric Edlund: Model-based Automatic Tuning and Control of a Three-axis Camera Gimbal
[MSc32] Pär Lundgren: Using Homographies for Vehicle Motion Estimation
[MSc31] Rickard Sjölund & Nicklas Vedin: Steering System Modelling for Heavy Duty Vehicles
[MSc30] Henning Roos: Utveckling av verktyg för linjär analys av JAS 39 Gripens styrsystem
[MSc29] Mikael Rosell: Semi-Supervised Learning for Object Detection
[MSc28] Henrik Felixson: Vehicle Ahead Property Estimation in Heavy Duty Vehicles
[MSc27] Ylva Björk and Ebba Wilhelmsson: Linearisation of Micro Loudspeakers Using Adaptive Control
[MSc26] Johan Särnbrink: Systemidentifiering och reglering av en luftningsbassäng på ett reningsverk
[MSc25] Robert Hallberg: Target Classification Based on Kinematics
[MSc24] Jonas Källman: Ship Power Estimation for Marine Vessels Based on System Identification
[MSc23] Hanna Pettersson: Estimation and Pre-Processing of Sensor Data in Heavy Duty Vehicle Platooning
[MSc22] Marcus Arvidsson & Daniel Karlsson: Attenuation of Harmonic Distortion in Loudspeakers Using Non-linear Control
[MSc21] Ola Tybrandt: Distribution of Cooling to Avionics
[MSc20] Dino Kapidzic: Reglering av vridbord
[MSc19] Calle Skillsäter: Evaluation and Configuration of a Control Loop Asset Monitoring Tool
[MSc18] Emil Granberg: Modelling of a Separator Discharge System
[MSc17] Anton Höghäll: Tuning of Metaheuristics for Systems Biology Applications
[MSc16] Oscar Samuelsson: Benchmarking Global Optimization Algorithms for Core Prediction Identification
[MSc15] Tony Gillberg: Adaptiva metoder för systemidentifiering med inriktning mot direkt viktoptimering
[MSc14] Peter Nyberg: Evaluation of Two Methods for Identifiability Testing
[MSc13] Mattias Lager: Modellering av uppdragsberäkningar i JAS 39 Gripen
[MSc12] Peter Jägerback: En indirekt metod för adaptiv reglering av en helikopter
[MSc11] Andreas Gising: MALLS -- Mobile Automatic Launch and Landing Station for VTOL UAVs

Supervisor for MSc students

[MSc10] Niklas Karlsson: Analysis and Modeling of String Instruments
[MSc9] Peter Holmqvist: Automatisk bedömning av reglerkretsars prestanda
[MSc8] Arvid Rosén: Analysis and Modeling of Vacuum Tube Power Amplifiers
[MSc7] Johan Kälvesten: Signal Processing and Algorithm Evaluation Tool for Collision Prediction and Crash Sensing Automotive Radars
[MSc6] Peter Gäärd: Kappa Control with Online Analyzer Using Samples from the Digester's Mid-phase
[MSc5] David Andersson & Johan Fjellström: Vehicle Positioning with Map Matching Using Integration of a Dead Reckoning System and GPS
[MSc4] Niklas Odelholm: Identification and Simulation of the Nonlinearities and Acoustic Properties of a Loudspeaker
[MSc3] Per Connman & Oscar Öberg: System Identification of Nonlinear Electronic Devices
[MSc2] Daniel Rosell: Modellering och simulering av tryckreglersystemet till en kärnkraftsreaktor
[MSc1] Henrik Johansson: Gain Scheduled Missile Control Using Robust Loop Shaping

Examiner for BSc students

[BSc1] Mikael Wessén: Förbättrad manuell styrning av staplingskran

Examiner for internship students

Jochen Withopf: Modeling of a Guitar Loudspeaker Cabinet in a Reverberant Environment
Christian Schreck: Simulations Programmed with the Automatic Control Software Proview
Martin Enqvist

Associate Professor in Automatic Control

(Swedish: Universitetslektor och docent i reglerteknik)

+46 13 281393
+46 70 0895175
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköping
Visiting Address:
Campus Valla
Building B
Room 2A:552 (in the A corridor on the ground floor between entrance 25 and 27)

Page responsible: Martin Enqvist
Last updated: 2017-03-20