Opinion Dynamics on Social Networks
Fall 2022
The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to various classes of opinon dynamics model on `social networks', and to study their emerging dyamical properties.
around 10 lectures (2h each, once/twice a week). Lectures in hybrid mode (in person + via zoom). Zoom links will be made available to registered participants.
- Lecture 1: Wednesday 28th September, at 13:15 in Nollstallet
- Lecture 2: Friday 30th September, at 13:15 in Nollstallet
- Lecture 3: Tuesday 4th October, at 10:15 in Transformer
- Lecture 4: Friday 7th October, at 13:15 in Nollstallet
- Lecture 5: Tuesday 11th October, at 10:15 in Nollstallet
- Lecture 6: Friday 14th October, at 13:15 in Nollstallet
- Lecture 7: Tuesday 18th October, at 10:15 in Nollstallet
- Lecture 8 (HW1 discussion): Friday 21st October, at 13:15 in Nollstallet
- Lecture 9: Tuesday 25th October, at 8:15 in Nollstallet
- Lecture 10: Friday 28th October, at 13:15 in Nollstallet
- Lecture 11 (HW2 discussion): Friday 4th November, at 10:15 in Nollstallet
- Lecture 12: (HW3 discussion) Tuesday 22nd November, at 10:15 in Nollstallet
Students interested in attending the course should send an email to
Course content:
Tentative outline.- Introduction to the course; Examples.
- Distributed dynamics; Positive, cooperative & monotone systems; Perron-Frobenius theorem. Continuos and discrete-time stability. Markov chains. PageRank.
- Consensus problem. Synchronization.
- Friedkin-Johnsen model.
- Consensus in presence of antagonism.
- Bounded confidence: Hegselmann-Krause models.
- Biased assimilation model.
Lecturer and examinator:
Claudio Altafini, tel +46 13 281373,
Course material:
C. Altafini:
Notes for a course: Opinion Dynamics on Social Networks
, 2022. -
Anton V. Proskurnikov and R. Tempo.
A Tutorial on Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Social Networks. Part I and II
, Annual Reviews in Control, 43:65-79, 2017, and 45:166-190, 2018. - F. Bullo: Lectures on Network Systems, 2020.
Exam and Credits:
Exam: 3 homework sets (due 2 weeks after they are handed out), plus an optional final miniproject/seminar (details to be provided later on).
Credits: passing the homeworks gives 6 credits (up to 8/9 if together with the final seminar/miniproject).
Homeworks (hand in 2 weeks after the assignement)
Informationsansvarig: Claudio Altafini
Senast uppdaterad: 2023-01-18