Angela Fontan
I received a B.Sc. degree in Information Engineering in 2013
and a M.Sc. degree (with honor) in Automation Engineering in 2016, from the University of Padova, Italy.
From August 2016 until the fall of 2021, I was a Ph.D student at the Division
of Automatic Control, Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University.
My main supervisor was Professor Claudio Altafini.
In September 2021 I successfully defended my PhD thesis.
My research interests are in the area of networked systems and nonlinear dynamics
over networks, with applications to social networks and collective decision-making
Personal webpage, Google scholar page, ResearchGate profile
I am part of the group on Complex Networks Dynamics and Control (Social Networks). See Research and Publications for details on my research and publications.
September 2021. LiU News story on 100 years of democracy: Forming a government - how long will it take?Teaching
I have been involved in teaching responsibilities within the division of Automatic Control.

PhD Student in Automatic Control
(Swedish: Doktorand i reglerteknik)
- E-mail:
- Address:
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Linköping University
- SE-581 83 Linköping
- Sweden
- Visiting Address:
- Campus Valla
- Building B
- Room 2A:531 (in the A corridor on the ground floor between entrance 25 and 27)
Informationsansvarig: Angela Fontan
Senast uppdaterad: 2022-01-22