PhD Courses
Year | Course name | Credits (ECTS) | Status |
2016 Fall | Linear System Theory, Part I | 7 | Completed |
Linear System Theory, Part II | 7 | Completed | |
2017 Spring | Methodology of Science and Technology | 4 | Completed |
Nonlinear Control Systems | 9 | Completed | |
Bayesian Learning | 6 | Completed | |
2017 Fall | Research Ethics | 2 | Completed |
Robust Multivariable Control | 9 | Completed | |
Matrix Analysis | 8 | Completed | |
2018 Spring | System Identification | 12 | Completed |
Convex Optimization for Control | 9 | Completed | |
2018 Fall | Becoming a teacher in Higher Education | 6 | Completed |
2020 Fall | Causal Inference with Graphical Models | 6 | Completed |
2021 Spring | Reinforcement Learning | 3 | Completed |

PhD Student in Automatic Control
(Swedish: Doktorand i reglerteknik)
- E-mail:
- Address:
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Linköping University
- SE-581 83 Linköping
- Sweden
- Visiting Address:
- Campus Valla
- Building B
- Room 2A:531 (in the A corridor on the ground floor between entrance 25 and 27)
Informationsansvarig: Angela Fontan
Senast uppdaterad: 2022-01-22