I have been involved in the following courses during my PhD studies:
Course | Year | Hours | |
MATLAB Introductory Course, TSRT04 | Fall 2009 | 28 | |
Development of LEGO factories | Fall 2009 | 120 | |
Development of XPC Target platform for labs | Fall 2009 | 111 | |
Automatic Control, Advanced Course, TSIU04 | Spr. 2010 | 117 | |
MATLAB Introductory Course, TSRT04 | Spr. 2010 | 12 | |
Development of LEGO factories | Spr. 2010 | 10 | |
Engineering project Y, TFYY51 | Fall 2010 | 98 | |
Engineering project I, TDDC10 | Fall 2010 | 30 | |
Digital Signal Processing, TSRT78 | Fall 2010 | 304 | |
Automatic Control, Advanced Course, TSIU04 | Spr. 2011 | 157 | |
Control Theory, TSRT09 | Spr. 2011 | 40 | |
Sensor Fusion, TSRT14 | Spr. 2011 | 163 | |
Control Project Laboratory, CDIO, TSRT10 | Fall 2011 | 50 | |
Digital Signal Processing, TSRT78 | Fall 2011 | 48 | |
Industrial Control Systems, TSRT07 | Spr. 2012 | 127 | |
Control Theory, TSRT09 | Spr. 2012 | 40 | |
Sensor Fusion, TSRT14 | Spr. 2012 | 15 | |
Industrial Control Systems, TSRT07 | Spr. 2013 | 97 | |
Sensor Fusion, TSRT14 | Spr. 2016 | 60 | |
Total | 1627 |
I have also supervised Master's thesis projects for 125 hours and helped with the deprtment fuctions for 60 hours.

Postdoc in Automatic Control
(Swedish: Postdok i reglerteknik)
- Phone:
- +46 (0)13-28 40 29
- Mobile (private):
- +46 (0)76-863 88 77
- E-mail:
- tohid.ardeshiri_at_liu.se
- Address:
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Linköping University
- SE-581 83 Linköping
- Sweden
- Visiting Address:
- Campus Valla
- Building B
- Room 2A:507 (in the A corridor on the ground floor between entrance 25 and 27)
Informationsansvarig: Tohid Ardeshiri
Senast uppdaterad: 2018-08-14