Farnaz Adib Yaghmaie: Publications
A complete list of publications can be found in my googlescholar profile here.
Journal Publications
Reinforcement Learning
- [J8]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, S. Gunnarsson and F. L. Lewis Output Regulation of Unknown Linear Systems using Average Cost Reinforcement Learning, Automatica, Vol. (110), 2019.
- [J7]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, D. J Braun Reinforcement Learning for a Class of Continuous-time Input Constrained Optimal Control Problems, Automatica , Vol. 99, pp. 221-227, 2019.
- [J6]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, K. Hengster Movric, F. L. Lewis and R. Su Differential Graphical Games for H_{\infty} Control of Linear Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 29(10), pp. 2995-3013, 2019.
- [J5]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, F. L. Lewis and R. Su, Output Regulation of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems with Differential Graphical Game,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control , Vol. 26, pp. 2256-2278, 2016.
Multi-agent Systems
- [J4]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, K. Hengster Movric, F. L. Lewis, R. Su, and M. Sebek, H_{\infty} Output Regulation of Linear Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems over Switching Graphs, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Vol. 28(13), pp. 3852-3870, 2018.
- [J3]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, R. Su, F. L. Lewis and L. Xie, Multi-party Consensus of Linear Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (TAC), Vol. 62(11), pp. 5578-5589, 2017.
- [J2]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, R. Su, F. L. Lewis, and S. Olaru, Bipartite and Cooperative Output Synchronization of Linear Heterogeneous Agents: A Unified Framework, Automatica, Vol. 80, pp. 172-176, 2017.
- [J1]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, F. L. Lewis and R. Su, Output Regulation of Heterogeneous Linear Multi-Agent Systems via Output and State Feedback, Automatica, Vol. 67, pp. 157-167, 2016.
Confrence Proceedings
Reinforcement Learning
- [C9]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie and F. Gustafsson Using Reinforcement Learning for Model-free Linear Quadratic Control with Process and Measurement Noises, In 2019 Decision and Control (CDC), IEEE 58th Conference on, 2019, pp. 6510-6517.
- [C8]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie and S. Gunnarsson A New Result on Robust Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Uncertain Partially Linear Systems, In 2019 Decision and Control (CDC), IEEE 58th Conference on, 2019, pp. 7480-7485.
- [C7]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, Frank L. Lewis and R. Su, Output Regulation of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent System: A Graphical Game Approach, In 2015 American Control Conference (ACC), 2015, pp. 2272-2277.
Multi-agent Systems
- [C6]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, K. Hengster Movric, F. L. Lewis, R. Su, and M. Sebek, Output H_{\infty} Synchronization of Heterogeneous Linear Multi-Agent Systems via a Distributed Output-feedback, In 2016 Decision and Control (CDC), IEEE 55th Conference on, 2016, pp. 2677-2682.
- [C5]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, R. Su, and F. L. Lewis, Bipartite Output Synchronization of Linear Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems via Output Feedback, In 2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 2016, pp. 1024-1029.
- [C4]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, F. L. Lewis and R. Su, Leader-Follower Output Consensus of Linear Heterogeneous Multi-agent Systems via Output Feedback, In 2015 Decision and Control (CDC), IEEE 54th Conference on, 2015, pp. 4227-4132.
SLAM and Mobile-Robot Navigation
- [C3]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, A. Mobarhani, and H. D. Taghirad, Study of potential ban method for mobile robot navigation in dynamic environment, In Power Electronics, Drive Systems and Technologies Conference (PEDSTC), 2013, 4th. IEEE, 2013, pp. 535-540.
- [C2]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, A. Mobarhani, and H. Taghirad, A new method for mobile robot navigation in dynamic environment: Escaping algorithm, In Robotics and Mechatronics (ICRoM), 2013 First RSI/ISM International Conference on, IEEE, Feb 2013, pp. 212- 217.
- [C1]:
- F. Adib Yaghmaie, F. Bakhshande, and H. D. Taghirad, Feedback error learning control of trajectory tracking of nonholonomic mobile robot, In Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2012 20th Iranian Conference on. IEEE, 2012, pp. 889- 893.

Postdoc in Automatic Control
(Swedish: Postdoktor i reglerteknik)
- Phone:
- +46 76 2909978
- E-mail:
- farnaz.adib.yaghmaie_at_liu.se
- Address:
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Linköping University
- SE-581 83 Linköping
- Sweden
- Personal homepage:
- https://sites.google.com/view/farnazadibyaghmaie/home?authuser=0
- Github:
- https://github.com/FarnazAdib
- Research Gate:
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Farnaz_Adib_Yaghmaie
- Visiting Address:
- Campus Valla
- Building B
- Room 2A:537
Informationsansvarig: Farnaz Adib Yaghmaie
Senast uppdaterad: 2020-05-03