Publications are listed in chronological order. Related reports for most of my publications can be accessed through the Division of Automatic Control's publication database. See also my Google Scholar Author Profile. If you have any questions or can not find what you are looking for, just send me an email.2014
Finding sparse solutions of systems of polynomial equations via group-sparsity optimizationF. Lauer and H. Ohlsson. Journal of Global Optimization 2014.
Compressive Shift Retrieval
H. Ohlsson, Y. Eldar, A. Yang, and S. S. Sastry. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 62(16): 4105-4113, August 2014.
Privacy and Customer Segmentation in the Smart Grid
Lillian J. Ratliff, Roy Dong, Henrik Ohlsson, Alvaro A. Cardenas, Shankar Sastry. In the 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Los Angeles, USA, 2014.
Compression Based Identification of PWA Systems
Ichiro Maruta and Henrik Ohlsson. Accepted to the IFAC WC 2014.
Receding Horizon Estimation of Arbitrarily Changing Unknown Inputs
Ruxandra Ioana Mustata, Michel Verhaegen, Henrik Ohlsson, and Fredrik Gustafsson. Accepted to the IFAC WC 2014.
Robust Subspace System Identification via Weighted Nuclear Norm Optimization
Dorsa Sadigh, Henrik Ohlsson, Shankar Sastry, Sanjit Seshia. Accepted to the IFAC WC 2014.
Blind Identification via Lifting
Henrik Ohlsson, Lillian Ratliff, Roy Dong, and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to the IFAC WC 2014.
Keywords: blind system identification, sparse, l1, nuclear norm, rank minimization
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Energy Efficiency via Behavior Modification and Utility Learning
Lillian J. Ratliff, Roy Dong, Henrik Ohlsson and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to HiCoNS 2014.
Keywords: game theory, economic design, energy, disaggregation, estimation
Scalable Anomaly Detection in Large Homogenous Populations
Henrik Ohlsson, Tianshi Chen, Sina Khoshfetrat Pakazad, Lennart Ljung, Shankar Sastry. Automatica, Vol. 50, No. 5, 2014.
Keywords: distributed changed detection, system identification, distributed system identication, regularization, sparsity, ADMM, l1
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Behavior Modification and Utility Learning via Energy Disaggregation
Lillian J. Ratliff, Roy Dong, Henrik Ohlsson and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to the IFAC WC 2014.
Keywords: game theory, economic design, energy, disaggregation, estimation
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On Conditions for Uniqueness in Sparse Phase Retrieval
Henrik Ohlsson, Yonina C. Eldar. Accepted to ICASSP 2014.
Keywords: Phase retrieval, compressive phase retrieval, sparse, Fourier, uniqueness
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Finding sparse solutions of systems of polynomial equations via group-sparsity optimizationFabien Lauer and Henrik Ohlsson.
Keywords: polynomial basis pursuit, nonlinear compressive sensning, sparsity
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Fundamental Limits of Nonintrusive Load Monitoring
Roy Dong, Lillian Ratliff, Henrik Ohlsson and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to HiCoNS.
Keywords: disaggregation, estimation, filtering, theoretical limits
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Energy Disaggregation via Adaptive Filtering
Roy Dong, Lillian Ratliff, Henrik Ohlsson and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to the TRUST Autumn 2013 Conference, 2013.
Keywords: disaggregation, estimation, filtering, Kalman filter banks, adaptive filtering
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Energy Disaggregation via Adaptive Filtering
Roy Dong, Lillian Ratliff, Henrik Ohlsson and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to Allerton 2013.
Keywords: disaggregation, estimation, filtering, Kalman filter banks, adaptive filtering
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Sparse Control Using Sum-of-Norms Regularized Model Predictive Control
Sina Khoshfetrat Pakazad, Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. Accepted to CDC 2013.
Keywords: model predictive control, sparse, l1
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Nonlinear Compressive Particle Filtering
Henrik Ohlsson, Michel Verhaegen and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to CDC 2013.
Keywords: nonlinear compressive sensing, particle filtering, nonlinear filtering, compressive sensing, lifting, sparse, semidefinite programming, l1, basis pursuit, nonlinear basis pursuit
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Nonlinear Basis Pursuit
Henrik Ohlsson, Allen Yang, Roy Dong, and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to the 47th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers.
Keywords: nonlinear compressive sensing, phase retrieval, compressive sensing, compressive phase retrieval, x-ray crystallography, x-ray diffraction, lifting, sparse, semidefinite programming, l1, basis pursuit, nonlinear basis pursuit
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Quadratic Basis Pursuit
Henrik Ohlsson, Allen Yang, Roy Dong, and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to SPARS 2013.
Keywords: nonlinear compressive sensing, phase retrieval, compressive sensing, compressive phase retrieval, x-ray crystallography, x-ray diffraction, lifting, sparse, semidefinite programming, l1
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Compressive Shift Retrieval
Henrik Ohlsson, Yonina C. Eldar, Allen Yang, and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to SPARS2013.
Keywords: shift retrieval, compressive sensing, sparse, l1
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Blind Identification of ARX Models with Piecewise Constant Inputs
Henrik Ohlsson, Lillian Ratliff, Roy Dong, and S. Shankar Sastry.
Keywords: blind system identification, sparse, l1, nuclear norm, rank minimization
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A Dynamical Systems Approach to Energy Disaggregation
Roy Dong, Lillian Ratliff, Henrik Ohlsson, and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to CDC 2013.
Keywords: disaggregation
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Compressive Shift Retrieval
Henrik Ohlsson, Yonina C. Eldar, Allen Yang, and S. Shankar Sastry. ICASSP 2013.
Keywords: shift retrieval, compressive sensing, sparse, l1
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Quadratic Basis Pursuit
Henrik Ohlsson, Allen Yang, Roy Dong, Michel Verhaegen, and S. Shankar Sastry. ArXiv 2013.
Keywords: nonlinear compressive sensing, phase retrieval, compressive sensing, compressive phase retrieval, x-ray crystallography, x-ray diffraction, lifting, sparse, semidefinite programming, l1
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Identification of Switched Linear Regression Models Using Sum-of-Norms RegularizationHenrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. Accepted to Automatica.
Keywords: regularization, sum-of-norms, sparse, l1, hybrid system identification, PWARX
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CPRL -- An Extension of Compressive Sensing to the Phase Retrieval Problem
Henrik Ohlsson, Allen Yang, Roy Dong and S. Shankar Sastry. NIPS 2012.
Keywords: phase retrieval, compressive sensing, compressive phase retrieval, x-ray crystallography, x-ray diffraction, lifting, sparse, semidefinite programming, l1
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Smoothed state estimates under abrupt changes using sum-of-norms regularization
Henrik Ohlsson, Fredrik Gustafsson, Lennart Ljung and Stephen Boyd. Volume 48, Issue 4, April 2012, Pages 595-605, Automatica. Winner of the Automatica Paper Prize 2014.
Keywords: regularization, sum-of-norms, sparse, l1, change detection, state estimation
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Compressive Phase Retrieval From Squared Output Measurements Via Semidefinite Programming
Henrik Ohlsson, Allen Y. Yang, Roy Dong and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID 2012.
Keywords: phase retrieval, compressive sensing, compressive phase retrieval, x-ray crystallography, x-ray diffraction, lifting, sparse, semidefinite programming, l1
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Parameter Identification Near Periodic Orbits of Hybrid Dynamical Systems
Sam Burden, Henrik Ohlsson and S. Shankar Sastry. Accepted to the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID 2012.
Keywords: hybrid system identification, parameter identification
Distributed Change Detection
Henrik Ohlsson, Tianshi Chen, Sina Khoshfetrat Pakazad, Lennart Ljung, Shankar Sastry. Accepted to the 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID 2012.
Keywords: distributed changed detection, system identification, distributed system identication, regularization, sparsity, ADMM, l1
Compressive Phase Retrieval From Squared Output Measurements Via Semidefinite ProgrammingHenrik Ohlsson, Allen Y. Yang, Roy Dong and S. Shankar Sastry. ArXiv e-prints, November 2011.
Keywords: phase retrieval, compressive sensing, compressive phase retrieval, x-ray crystallography, x-ray diffraction, lifting, sparse, semidefinite programming, l1
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On climate reconstruction using bivalves: Three methods to interpret the chemical signature of a shell
Maite Bauwens, Henrik Ohlsson, Kurt Barbe, Veerle Beelaerts, Johan Schoukens, and Frank Dehairs. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, vol 104, issue 2, pages 104-111, 2011.
Keywords: climate reconstruction, manifold learning, WDMR, weight determination by manifold learning, system identification
Four Encounters with System Identification
Lennart Ljung, Hakan Hjalmarsson and Henrik Ohlsson. European Journal of Control, Volume 17, Number 5-6/2011.
Keywords: system identification, regularization, relaxation, sparsity
Optimal Sensor Placement
Christina Gronwall and Henrik Ohlsson. Accepted to TAMSEC.
Keywords: optimal sensor placement, relaxation, sparsity
A Convex Approach to Subspace Clustering
Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. Accepted to CDC2011.
Keywords: subspace clustering, regularization, sparsity
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Kernel Selection in Linear System Identification
Tianshi Chen, Henrik Ohlsson, Graham C. Goodwin and Lennart Ljung. Accepted to CDC2011.
Keywords: regularization, Gaussian processes, impulse response estimation, linear system identification
On the Estimation of Transfer Functions, Regularizations and Gaussian Processes - Revisited
Tianshi Chen, Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. Accepted to Automatica.
Keywords: regularization, Gaussian processes, impulse response estimation, linear system identification
Clustering Using Sum-Of-Norms Regularization; with Application to Particle Filter Output Computation
Fredrik Lindsten, Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. Accepted to the IEEE International Workshop on Statistical Signal Processing 2011 (SSP'11).
Keywords: regularization, sum-of-norms, sparse, l1, clustering
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Weight Determination by Manifold Regularization
Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. Distributed Decision-Making and Control, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 2011, Accepted.
Keywords: regularization, manifold learning, semi-supervised learning, nonlinear system identification
Piecewise Affine System Identification Using Sum-of-Norms Regularization
Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. Accepted to the IFAC WC 2011.
Keywords: regularization, sum-of-norms, sparse, l1, hybrid system identification, PWARX
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Segmentation of times series from nonlinear dynamical systems
T. Falck, H. Ohlsson, L. Ljung, J. A.K. Suykens, and B. De Moor. Accepted to the IFAC WC 2011.
Keywords: regularization, sum-of-norms, sparse, l1, segmentation, nonlinear system identification, segmented nonlinear ARX
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On the Estimation of Transfer Functions, Regularizations and Gaussian Processes - Revisited
Tianshi Chen, Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. Accepted to the IFAC WC 2011.
Keywords: regularization, Gaussian processes, impulse response estimation, linear system identification
A General Perspective on Gaussian Filtering and Smoothing: Explaining Current and Deriving New Algorithms
M. P. Deisenroth and H. Ohlsson. In Proceedings of the 2011 American Control Conference, San Francisco, USA, June 2011. To appear.
Keywords: Gaussian filtering, Gaussian smoothing
Regularization for Sparseness and Smoothness - Applications in System Identification and Signal ProcessingHenrik Ohlsson, PhD thesis, November 2010. Supervisor: Prof. Lennart Ljung. Opponent: Prof. Bo Wahlberg.
Keywords: regularization, sparseness, smoothness, system identification, signal processing
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Decentralized Particle Filter with Arbitrary State Partitioning
Tianshi Chen, Thomas Schön, Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.
Keywords: particle filtering, decentralized particle filtering, parallel
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A nonlinear multi-proxy model based on manifold learning to reconstruct water temperature from high resolution trace element profiles in biogenic carbonates
Maite Bauwens, Henrik Ohlsson, Kurt Barbe, Veerle Beelaerts, Frank Dehair and, Johan Schouken. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, vol 3, issue 3, pages 1105-1138, 2010.
Decentralized Particle Filter with State Partitioning
Tianshi Chen, Thomas Schön, Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung. 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, USA, December 2010. For pdf, see journal version above.
Keywords: particle filtering, decentralized particle filtering, parallel
State Smoothing by Sum-of-Norms Regularization
Henrik Ohlsson, Fredrik Gustafsson, Lennart Ljung and Stephen Boyd. 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, USA, December 2010.
Keywords: regularization, sum-of-norms, sparse, l1, change detection, state estimation
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Trajectory Generation Using Sum-of-Norms Regularization
Henrik Ohlsson, Fredrik Gustafsson, Lennart Ljung and Stephen Boyd. 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, USA, December 2010.
Keywords: regularization, sum-of-norms, sparse, l1, spline, b-spline, trajectory generation, reference generation
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A Brain Computer Interface for Communication Using Real-Time fMRI
Anders Eklund, Mats Andersson, Henrik Ohlsson, Anders Ynnerman and Hans Knutsson. ICPR 2010.
Keywords: real-time fMRI, brain computer interface (BCI)
Concurrent Volume Visualization of Real-Time fMRI
Nguyen Tan Khoa, Henrik Ohlsson, Anders Eklund, Willem Jan Frishert, Patric Ljung, Mats Andersson, Hans Knutsson and Anders Ynnerman. Accepted to Volume Graphics 2010.
Keywords: real-time fMRI, visualization
Segmentation of ARX models
Henrik Ohlsson, Lennart Ljung, Stephen Boyd. Volume 46, Number 6, June 2010, Automatica.
Keywords: regularization, sum-of-norms, sparse, l1, segmentation, change detection, segmented ARX
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Geo-referencing for UAV Navigation
Fredrik Lindsten, Jonas Callmer, Henrik Ohlsson, David Törnqvist, Thomas B. Schön, Fredrik Gustafsson. ICRA2010.
Keywords: particle filtering, geo-referencing, map, navigation
Semi-Supervised Regression and System IdentificationHenrik Ohlsson, Lennart Ljung. Three Decades of Progress in Systems and Control, Springer, 2009.
Keywords: regularization, weight determination by manifold regularization (WDMR)
On Manifolds, Climate Reconstruction and Bivalve Shells
Henrik Ohlsson, Maite Bauwens (Vrij Universiteit Brussel), Lennart Ljung, 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2009.
Keywords: climate reconstruction, manifold learning, WDMR, weight determination by manifold learning, system identification
Using Real-Time fMRI to Control a Dynamical System by Brain Activity Classification
Anders Eklund, Henrik Ohlsson, Mats Andersson, Joakim Rydell, Anders Ynnerman and Hans Knutsson, MICCAI 2009, London, 2009.
On Climate Reconstruction using Bivalve Shells: Three Methods to Interpret the Chemical Signature of a Shell
Maite Bauwens (Vrij Universiteit Brussel), Henrik Ohlsson, Kurt Barbé (Vrij Universiteit Brussel), Veerle Beelaerts (Vrij Universiteit Brussel), Frank Dehairs (Vrij Universiteit Brussel), Johan Schoukens (Vrij Universiteit Brussel), 7th IFAC Symposium on Modelling and Control in Biomedical Systems, 2009.
Keywords: climate reconstruction, manifold learning, WDMR, weight determination by manifold learning, system identification
Three Ways to do Temperature Reconstruction Based on Bivalve-Proxy Information
Maite Bauwens (Vrij Universiteit Brussel), Henrik Ohlsson, Kurt Barbé (Vrij Universiteit Brussel), Johan Schoukens (Vrij Universiteit Brussel), Frank Dehairs (Vrij Universiteit Brussel), 28th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control, 2009.
Keywords: climate reconstruction, manifold learning, WDMR, weight determination by manifold learning, system identification
Gray-Box Identification for High-Dimensional Manifold Constrained Regression
Henrik Ohlsson and Lennart Ljung, 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID 2009.
Using Real-Time fMRI to Control a Dynamical System
Anders Eklund, Henrik Ohlsson, Mats Andersson, Joakim Rydell, Anders Ynnerman and Hans Knutsson, ISMRM, 17th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition, Hawaii, April 2009.
Complementary material
Regression on Manifolds with Implications for System IdentificationHenrik Ohlsson, Licenciate thesis, 2008.
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Complementary material
Enabling Bio-Feedback Using Real-Time fMRI
Henrik Ohlsson, Joakim Rydell, Anders Brun, Jacob Roll, Mats Andersson, Anders Ynnerman and Hans Knutsson, 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, December 2008.
Direct Weight Optimization Applied to Discontinuous Functions
Henrik Ohlsson, Jacob Roll, Anders Brun, Hans Knutsson, Mats Andersson, Lennart Ljung, 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, December 2008.
Manifold-Constrained Regressors in System Identification
Henrik Ohlsson, Jacob Roll and Lennart Ljung, 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Cancun, Mexico, December 2008.
Using Manifold Learning for Nonlinear System IdentificationHenrik Ohlsson, Jacob Roll, Torkel Glad and Lennart Ljung, 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), Pretoria, South Africa, August 2007.

Assistant Professor
(Swedish: Forskarassistent)
- Phone:
- +46 13 281000
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- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Linköping University
- SE-581 83 Linköping
- Sweden
Page responsible: Henrik Ohlsson
Last updated: 2014-09-27