During his time as Ph.D. student and Teaching Assistant Isak Nielsen is or has been involved in the following courses:
Isak Nielsen has been involved in the following courses:
Semester | Course name | Notes (role) | |
2011 Fall | [TSRT12] Reglerteknik Y | In. | |
2011 Spring | [TSRT91] Reglerteknik | In. | |
2011 Fall | [TSIU61] Reglerteknik | In. | |
2011 Fall | [TSRT15] Reglerteknik (M) | In. | |
2012 Spring | [TSRT09] Reglerteori | In. | |
2012 Spring | [TSRT04] Introduktionskurs i Matlab | In. | |
2012 Fall | [TSRT10] CDIO Reglerteknisk projektkurs | Sup. | |
2013 Spring | [TSRT09] Reglerteori | CA & In. | |
2013 Spring | [TSIU04] Industriella styrsystem | LA | |
2013 Spring | [TSIU06] Industriella styrsystem | LA | |
2013 Fall | [TSRT10] CDIO Reglerteknisk projektkurs | Sup. | |
2014 Spring | [TSRT09] Reglerteori | CA & In. | |
2014 Fall | [TSRT10] CDIO Reglerteknisk projektkurs | Sup. | |
2015 Spring | [TSRT09] Reglerteori | CA & In. | |
2015 Fall | [TSRT10] CDIO Reglerteknisk projektkurs | Sup. | |
2016 Spring | [TSRT09] Reglerteori | In. | |
2016 Fall | [TSRT10] CDIO Reglerteknisk projektkurs | Sup. | |
2017 Spring | [TSRT09] Reglerteori | In. | |
In denotes instructor (responsible for lessons and problem solving sessions). PS denotes project supervisor (responsible for supervising project groups of students). LA denotes Lab Assistent, CA denotes Course Assistant (responsible for labs and practical matters), Sup denotes supervisor.

PhD Student in Automatic Control
(Swedish: Doktorand)
- Phone:
- Mobile (private):
- +46 730 360 380
- E-mail:
- isak.nielsen_at_gmail.com
- Address:
- Visiting Address:
Page responsible: Isak Nielsen
Last updated: 2017-11-14