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Hannas Nyqvist's current research interest is in sensor fusion and localisation/navigation including fusion of IMU data, information from visual images and ultra wide band sensors.

Google scholar profile

Hanna's google scholar profile can be visited here

Peer reviewed publications


  • Hanna E. Nyqvist, Gustaf Hendeby, Fredrik Gustafsson On Joint Range and Velocity Estimation in Detection and Ranging Sensors [url]
  • 2015

  • Hanna E. Nyqvist, Martin Skoglund, Gustaf Hendeby, Fredrik Gustafsson Pose Estimation Using Monocular Vision and Inertial Sensors Aided with Ultra Wide Band [url]
  • Nominated for best paper award at the 2015 Conference on Indoor Positioning an Indoor Navigation (IPIN 2015)


  • Hanna Nyqvist, Fredrik Gustafsson A High-Performance Tracking System based on Camera and IMU [url]
  • Licentiate thesis, 2016

  • Hanna E. Nyqvist, On Pose Estimation in Room-Scaled Environments [url]
  • Master thesis, 2012

  • Hanna Nyqvist, Image Database for Pose Hypotheses Generation [url]
  • Hanna Nyqvist

    PhD Student in Automatic Control

    (Swedish: Doktorand)

    +46 13 281 353
    Mobile (private):
    +46 70 61 70 724
    Dept. of Electrical Engineering
    Linköping University
    SE-581 83 Linköping
    Visiting Address:
    Campus Valla
    Building B
    Room A BV:482 (in the A corridor on the ground floor between entrance 27 and 29)

    Page responsible: Hanna Nyqvist
    Last updated: 2017-03-15