Sparse Feature Maps in a Scale Hierarchy
Per-Erik Forssén, Gösta GranlundAFPAC00, Kiel, Germany
AFPAC, Algebraic Frames for the Perception Action Cycle
Pages 186-196
September 2000
This article describes an essential step towards what is called a view centered representation of the low-level structure in an image. Instead of representing low-level structure (lines and edges) in one compact feature map, we will separate structural information into several feature maps, each signifying features at a characteristic phase, in a specific scale. By characteristic phase we mean the phases 0, PI, and +-PI/2, corresponding to bright, and dark lines, and edges between different intensity levels, or colours. A lateral inhibition mechanism selects the strongest feature within each local region of scale represented. The scale representation is limited to maps one octave apart, but can be interpolated to provide a continuous representation. The resultant image representation is sparse, and thus well suited for further processing, such as pattern detection.
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Proceedings by Springer LNCS vol 1888
Bibtex entry
@InProceedings{fg2000, author = {Per-Erik Forss\'en and G\"osta Granlund}, title = {Sparse Feature Maps in a Scale Hierarchy}, booktitle = {AFPAC, Algebraic Frames for the Perception Action Cycle}, year = {2000}, organization = {}, publisher = {Springer Berlin / Heidelberg}, isbn = {978-3-540-41013-3}, address = {Kiel, Germany}, month = {September}, note = {{LNCS} 1888}, pages = {186-196}, }
Per-Erik Forssén
Computer Vision Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering
Building B
Room 2D:521
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
+46(0)13 285654
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Informationsansvarig: Per-Erik Forssén
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-09-28