Svante Gunnarsson
Svante Gunnarsson was born in 1959. He received the M.Sc. degree in Applied Physics and Electrical engineering 1983, and the Ph.D. degree in Automatic Control, 1988, both from Linköping University. He is currently Professor at the Division of Automatic Control, Department of Electrial Engineering, Linköping University.
Svante Gunnarsson's research interests include modeling, identification, control, and diagnosis of industrial robots. The research activities are connected to the VINNOVA Competence Center LINK-SIC.
Svante Gunnarsson is currently involved in the following education activities:- Examiner and lecturer in TSRT22, Reglerteknik (Automatic Control), for the Industrial Engineering and Management and Energy, Environment and Management programs.
- Examiner and lecturer in TSIU04, Industriella styrsystem, for the Engineering Electronics program.
- Examiner and lecturer in TSIU06, Industriella styrsystem, for the Mechanical Engineering program.
- Representative of Linköping University within the international network The CDIO Initiative for development of engineering education.
- Member of the Board of the Faculty of Science and Engineering (Institute of Technology at Linköping University.
- Member of the Board of CENIIT (Centrum för industriell informationsteknologi) at Linköping University.
![Svante Gunnarsson](images/svante2.jpg)
Professor i reglerteknik
- Telefon:
- +46 13 281747
- Mobiltelefon (privat):
- +46 703 994 847
- E-post:
- Adress:
- Inst. för systemteknik
- Linköpings universitet
- 581 83 Linköping
- Besöksadress:
- Campus Valla
- B-huset
- Rum 2A:550 (i A-korridoren på bottenvåningen mellan ingång 25 och 27)
Informationsansvarig: Svante Gunnarsson
Senast uppdaterad: 2018-09-26