Oskar Ljungqvist
Oskar Ljungqvist is a researcher at the Division of Automatic Control at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University. He started his PhD studies in October 2015 after received his M.Sc. degree in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering (Y) at Linköping University. Oskar successfully defended his PhD's thesis Motion planning and feedback control techniques with applications to long tractor-trailer vehicles in May 2020.The thesis is availiable here and an Errata can be downloaded here.

PhD Student in Automatic Control
(Swedish: Doktorand i reglerteknik)
- Phone:
- +46 70 577 18 68
- E-mail:
- oskar.ljungqvist_at_liu.se
- Address:
- Dept. of Electrical Engineering
- Linköping University
- SE-581 83 Linköping
- Sweden
- Visiting Address:
- Campus Valla
- Building B
- Room 2A:526
Page responsible: Oskar Ljungqvist
Last updated: 2020-06-02