Isak Nielsen
Current Status
Since November 15, Isak is no longer an employee of Linköping University. Please contact him at or visit his Linkedin page.Background
Isak Nielsen holds a PhD from the Division of Automatic Control at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University. He started his MSc studies in August 2007 and received his MSc degree in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering (Y) at Linköping University in May 2012. After that, he started his PhD studies in August 2012 and received his PhD degree in Automatic Control in May 2017. During 2011 and 2012 (spring) he was also a Teaching Assistant at the division.
Isak successfully defended his PhD Thesis Structure-Exploiting Numerical Algorithms for Optimal Control on May 31, 2017.
Isak presented his Licentiate's Thesis On Structure Exploiting Numerical Algorithms for Model Predictive Control on October 23, 2015.
Honors & Awards
In November 2013 Isak received the Tryggve Holm medal for graduating with excellent grades (5.0/5.0) from the Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering program.
Isak's area of research is optimization for control and estimation, with main focus on structure exploiting algorithms for Model Predictive Control problems, Moving Horizon Estimation problems and Multiparametric programming problems.
Isak has been involved as course and teaching assistant for courses in basic control, control theory and Matlab programming. He has also been supervisor and client in the CDIO Control Laboratory Course.

PhD Student in Automatic Control
(Swedish: Doktorand)
- Phone:
- Mobile (private):
- +46 730 360 380
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Page responsible: Isak Nielsen
Last updated: 2017-11-14