This directory contains some Matlab files that demonstrates algorithms for LTV H-infty synthesis, as described in the report LiTH-ISY-R 3085, 2015-05-20. This example is defined in plant0, which generates the LTV system at different times: >> [p, dim, gam] = plant0 (t); p is the augmented system to be controlled, dim is the number of controller inputs and outputs and gam is the H-infty gain, which can be time varying. We first generate the solutions to the Riccati DAEs in [0,15] seconds. The FX solution is generated by a positive T (tend), while the FY solution by a negative T. >> [sol.t, sol.xi, sol.dxi] = hamint (@plant0, 15, 2*eye(4)); >> [sol.t, sol.yi, sol.dyi] = hamint (@plant0, -15); Next, we need check the eigenvalues of X*Y: >> ee = checkxy (sol.xi, sol.yi); >> min (ee) Here min(ee) should larger than 0, in this case 1.8061-06 If this does not hold, we need to adjust the plant (weighting functions), P_0, P_T or gamma or combinations thereof. We can now generate the LTV controler for an arbitraty instant in [0,15] for instance at t = 1: >> k = ltvsyn (@plant0, sol, 1) Version 2015-09-02, Anders Helmersson, ISY, Linköpings universitet.