Ph.D. Student Robin Holmbom
I was born in 1987 in Boden, Sweden. I have a M.Sc. degree in Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering (2011-2016) at Linköping University. I performed my master thesis in coorperation with Volvo Cars, investigating "Boost Control with Turbo Speed Sensor and Electric Wastegate".
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Contact information
Robin Holmbom
Ph.D. Student
Vehicular Systems
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Linköping University
S-581 83 Linköping
+46 (0)13 - 28 1327
Fax: +46 (0)13 - 28 2035
Office: B-building, first floor, room 2E:475
Page responsible: Robin Holmbom
Last updated: 2017-09-15