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A flexible runtime system for image processing in a distributed computational environment for an unmanned aerial vehicle

Klas Nordberg, Per-Erik Forssén, Johan Wiklund, Patrick Doherty, Per Andersson
IWSSIP02, Manchester, UK
Proceedings of IWSSIP'02
November 2002


A runtime system for implementation of image processing operations is presented. It is designed for working in a flexible and distributed environment related to the software architecture of a newly developed UAV system. The software architecture is characterized at a coarse scale as a three level system, with a deliberative layer at the top, a reactive layer in the middle, and a processing layer at the bottom. At a finer scale each of the three levels is decomposed into sets of modules which communicate using CORBA, allowing system development and deployment on the UAV to be made in a highly flexible way. The image processing takes place in a dedicated module located in the process layer, and is the main focus of the paper. This module has been designed as a runtime system for data flow graphs, allowing various processing operations to be created on-line and on demand by the higher levels of the system. The runtime system is implemented in Java, which allows development and deployment to be made on a range of hardware/software configurations. Optimizations for particular hardware platforms have been made using Java's native interface.

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Bibtex entry

author = 	 {Klas Nordberg and Per-Erik Forss{\'e}n and Johan Wiklund
                  and Patrick Doherty and Per Andersson},
title = 	 {A flexible runtime system for image processing in a
                  distributed computational environment for an
                  unmanned aerial vehicle},
booktitle =      {Proceedings of IWSSIP'02},
year = 	         {2002},
address = 	 {Manchester, UK},
month = 	 {November},
note = 	         {},
annote =         {}

Per-Erik Forssén

Per-Erik Forssén


Computer Vision Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering
Building B
Room 2D:521
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
+46(0)13 285654

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Last updated: 2024-09-28