Jörgen Ahlberg
I am a Reader and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the Computer Vision Laboratory, where ”Adjunct” suggests that I'm there now and then, preferrably when there's a cake available in the coffee room. Most of the time, I spend at the companies Termisk Systemteknik AB, Visage Technologies AB, and Glana Sensors AB.
My research is about various kinds of vision and sensing related stuff, mostly realted to thermal and multi/hyperspectral imaging and/or face image analysis. I am co-supervising two Ph.D. students, Krešimir Besenić and Ivan Gogić who do most of the actual work. My previous Ph.D. students, Nenad Markuš and Amanda Berg, defended their theses in 2017 and 2019 repsectively.
Publications by Jörgen Ahlberg
You can check my Google Scholar profile, my own list, or Diva's list (below).
Journal papers
Book chapters
Conference papers
Student theses

Jörgen Ahlberg
Postal address:
Computer Vision Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
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My pages:
Page responsible: Jörgen Ahlberg
Last updated: 2020-05-25