Vision for a UAV helicopter
Klas Nordberg, Patrick Doherty, Gunnar Farnebäck, Per-Erik Forssén, Gösta Granlund, Anders Moe, Johan WiklundIROS'02, Lausanne, Switzerland
Proceedings of IROS'02, workshop on aerial robotics
October 2002
This paper presents and overview of the basic and applied research carried out by the Computer Vision Laboratory, Linköping University, in the WITAS UAV Project. This work includes customizing and redesigning vision methods to fit the particular needs and restrictions imposed by the UAV platform, e.g., for low-level vision, motion estimation, navigation, and tracking. It also includes a new learning structure for association of perception-action activations, and a runtime system for implementation and execution of vision algorithms. The paper contains also a brief introduction to the WITAS UAV Project.
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Bibtex entry
@InProceedings{ndffgmw02, author = {Klas Nordberg and Patrick Doherty and Gunnar Farneb\"ack and Per-Erik Forss\'en and G\"osta Granlund and Anders Moe and Johan Wiklund}, title = {Vision for a {UAV} helicopter}, booktitle = {Proceedings of IROS'02, workshop on aerial robotics}, year = {2002}, address = {Lausanne, Switzerland}, month = {October} }
Per-Erik Forssén
Computer Vision Laboratory
Department of Electrical Engineering
Building B
Room 2D:521
SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden
+46(0)13 285654
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Informationsansvarig: Per-Erik Forssén
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-09-28