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Recent pre-prints

C. A. Naesseth, F. Lindsten, T. B. Schön, High-dimensional Filtering using Nested Sequential Monte Carlo. arXiv.org, arXiv:1612.09162, 2016.

Refereed papers

D. Lawson, G. Tucker, C. A. Naesseth, C. J. Maddison, R. P. Adams, Y. W. Teh, Twisted Variational Sequential Monte Carlo. Bayesian Deep Learning (NeurIPS Workshop), Montreal, Canada, December 2018.
C. A. Naesseth, S. W. Linderman, R. Ranganath, D. M. Blei, Variational Sequential Monte Carlo. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Lanzarote, Spain, April 2018.
C. A. Naesseth, F. J. R. Ruiz, S. Linderman, D. M. Blei, Reparameterization Gradients through Acceptance-Rejection Sampling Algorithms. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Fort Lauderdale, USA, April 2017. (Best Paper Award)
F. Lindsten, A. M. Johansen, C. A. Naesseth, B. Kirkpatrick, T. B. Schön, J. Aston and A. Bouchard-Côté, Divide-and-Conquer with Sequential Monte Carlo. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 2016.
T. Rainforth*, C. A. Naesseth*, F. Lindsten, B. Paige, J-W. van de Meent, A. Doucet, F. Wood, Interacting Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), New York, USA, June 2016. * equal contribution
T. B. Schön, F. Lindsten, J. Dahlin, J. Wågberg, C. A. Naesseth, A. Svensson and L. Dai, Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for System Identification. Proceedings of the 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID), Beijing, China, October 2015.
C. A. Naesseth, F. Lindsten and T. B. Schön, Nested Sequential Monte Carlo Methods. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Lille, France, July 2015.
C. A. Naesseth, F. Lindsten and T. B. Schön, Towards Automated Sequential Monte Carlo for Probabilistic Graphical Models. Black Box Inference and Learning NIPS Workshop, Montreal, Canada, December 2015.
C. A. Naesseth, F. Lindsten and T. B. Schön, Sequential Monte Carlo for Graphical Models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 27, Montreal, Canada, December 2014.
C. A. Naesseth, F. Lindsten and T. B. Schön, Capacity estimation of two-dimensional channels using Sequential Monte Carlo. Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW), Hobart, Australia, November 2014.

Other papers

S. Khoshfetrat Pakazad, C. A. Naesseth, F. Lindsten and A. Hansson, Distributed, scalable and gossip-free consensus optimization with application to data analysis. arXiv.org, arXiv:1705.02469 , 2017.


C. A. Naesseth, Vision and Radar Sensor Fusion for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. Master's thesis, LiTH-ISY-EX-13/4685, 2013.
C. A. Naesseth, Nowcasting using Microblog Data. Bachelor's thesis, LiTH-ISY-EX-ET-12/0398, 2012.
Christian Andersson Naesseth

PhD Student in Automatic Control

(Swedish: Doktorand i reglerteknik)

+46 13 281087
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköping
Visiting Address:
Campus Valla
Building B
Room 2A:522 (in the A corridor on the ground floor between entrance 25 and 27)

Informationsansvarig: Christian Andersson Naesseth
Senast uppdaterad: 2019-01-10