Lars Erikssons installation page

This page describes the procedures that I have followed when installing some of the GNU/UNIX like programs on my MS-Windows computers. I have made these notes mainly for myself but they might be useful also for you so therefore I have made them available for everyone. (I'm sorry that the links appear in the frames but this will change some day when I get more time.) The programs that I have installation descriptions for are:

cygwin, cygwin/XFree86, cygwin/XFree86 (latest), KDE/Cygwin, xfig, ispell, Aspell, swap caps control, ghostscript, sketch, ps2pdf, latex2html, gnumex.
I have come across some peculiarities and these are listed below. xemacs.

cygwin Installation (010420)

I just followed the standard procedure for installing the cygwin package and installed all files with one important exception: I did not install the teTeX package that is included since that small package gives problems with my other big LaTeX installation. The simple procedure is

  1. Download and run the setup program, from cygwin.
  2. Run the setup program and first select the option Download from internet, and downloaded it to the directory D:/home/eriksson/cygwin.
  3. Selected use IE5 settings.
  4. Selected the site which was the closest.
  5. Then it is just to follow the instructions and when there is a question about what packages to install. I deselected the teTeX-beta package by clicking on the icon with the recycle arrows (such that the text says skip).
  6. When the download is complete, I ran setup once again. I selected to install it for all users on my computer, and to use Unix-style files.
  7. After the last installation, 2002-06-28, bash did not read the .bashrc file at startup so I added a symlink from ~/.bash_profile to ~/.bashrc.
    cd ~
    ln -s .bashrc .bash_profile
The procedure is also outlined with a lot of figures showing the different setup windows in the XFree-page at the site cygwin/XFree86.

cygwin/XFree86 4.1.0 Installation (010720)

These are my installation notes for installing the version 4.1.0 on my NT machine. This procedure is the one outlined in the users manual at cygwin/XFree86 (I have a local pdf-copy, but you should always look for a more recent copy at the cygwin/XFree86 homepage.) I have also saved one of my old installation descriptions.
  1. I downloaded all files in the distribution directory from the ftp-mirror closest to mee the list of mirrors can be found in cygwin/XFree86. For mee it was the Swiss server.
  2. Started cygwin, and changed to my local download directory
    cd /cygdrive/d/Home/eriksson/cygwin/xfree4.0.1
  3. I ran the install shell-program
    sh -check
    just to see that it was working. (This script installs the program but it does also check what version of the X server that you should install). In this case it is the ix86-distribution.
  4. Unzipped the program extract.exe.bz2 using
    bunzip2 extract.exe.bz2
  5. Then I ran the script
    and answered yes to all questions except for the package: Xjdoc which is the documentation in Japanese.
  6. Changed directory to the X11R6/bin and extracted the startup scripts
    cd /usr/X11R6/bin
    tar -xzf /cygdrive/d/Home/eriksson/cygwin/xfree4.0.1/startup-scripts.tgz
  7. Copied the to a binary directory, and added the following lines to my .bashrc file, so that it will have the path to the XFree86 binary directory and so that the display will be on the current machine.
    # Add the XFree86 distribution to the path
    export PATH
    # Here I set the DISPLAY variable for this computer.
    export DISPLAY
    I also have a copy of my .bashrc file available as a text file.

cygwin/XFree86 Installation (020422)

  1. Installed XFree86 provided in the standard cygwin distribution, during the installation i selcted to install everything.
  2. To get a swedish keyboard I compiled and installed the xkeymap tool. I followed the following steps.
    1. Downloaded the source files from the XKeyCaps page. Then I followed the installation instructions in the README file for the installation. First the following command is run to setup the Makefile.
    2. Next step is to run make but this failed when building the main exe-file due to that the option -lXpm is not set an according to a mailing list -lXpm is usually included when -lXaw is used. So I changed a line in the Makefile
      Old line: XAWLIB =  -lXaw
      New line: XAWLIB =  -lXaw -lXpm
      Now i run
      and it successfully produces the xkeymap.exe file but it fails when geneating an html file. Any way I just installed the program without the documentation with
      make install
  3. Next I started the server with startx and then the xkeymap program and generated a .xmodmap file that I added to my script.

KDE/Cygwin (020426)

  1. First I downloaded all files for the 2.2.1 version of the kde/cygin projectfrom the files page at kde/cygwin (it took a long time to get everything onto the disk since the sever seemed to be slow).
  2. Then I installed the qt libraries, by unpacking the binary distribution
    cd /
    tar -xjvf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/Cygwin/kde2.2.1/qt-2.3.1-b1.tar.bz2
    and added the binary directory to the path in my .bashrc file.
  3. Then I checked that the cygwin package pcre was installed, by running setup.exe and looking at the files that I had downloaded and installed.
  4. Then I installed the the binary distribution of cygipc, the audifile library, and the libICE package (named kde-xlib)
    tar -xjvf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/Cygwin/kde2.2.1/cygipc-1.11-1.tar.bz2
    tar -xjvf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/Cygwin/kde2.2.1/audiofile-0.2.1-20011218.tar.bz2
    tar -xjvf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/Cygwin/kde2.2.1/kde-xlib-1.1.tar.bz2
    During the last operation tar complained and said that the following files did already exist
    tar: usr/X11R6/bin/libICE.dll: Cannot open: File exists
    tar: usr/X11R6/bin/libXext.dll: Cannot open: File exists
    This means that these files must be included in the XFree86 distribution.
  5. The next step was to install the kde libraries.
    tar -xjvf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/Cygwin/kde2.2.1/kdelibs-2.2.1-a2.tar.bz2
    tar -xjvf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/Cygwin/kde2.2.1/kdelibs-2.2.1-a2-update1.tar.bz2
    tar -xjvf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/Cygwin/kde2.2.1/kdelibs-2.2.1-a2-u2.tar.bz2
    tar -xjvf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/Cygwin/kde2.2.1/kdelibs-2.2.1-a2-u3.tar.bz2
  6. The next step is to install the kdebase package (and the games).
    tar -xjvf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/Cygwin/kde2.2.1/kdebase-2.2.1-a2.tar.bz2
    tar -xjvf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/Cygwin/kde2.2.1/kdebase-2.2.1-a2-u1.tar.bz2
    tar -xjvf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/Cygwin/kde2.2.1/kdegames-2.2.1-a2.tar.bz2
    I also set some paths and variables in the .bashrc file.
    export KDEDIR=/opt/kde2
    export QTDIR=/usr/local/lib/qt2
    export KDEHOME=$HOME/.kde2
    export PATH=$KDEDIR/bin:$KDEDIR/lib:$QTDIR/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:$PATH
    export LTDL_LIBRARY_PATH=$KDEDIR/lib:$KDEDIR/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$KDEDIR/lib:$KDEDIR/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin
    I did not touch the following that I downloaded.
    Finally I made a shell script that starts xwindows with kde.

xfig 3.2.2 cygwin-b20.1

I downloaded the sofware following the link from the following page that describes the fig format and some of the applications that can read and write the format. After my installation I learned that there is an installation guide for anolder version of xfig, it might be informative.

The binary installation of xfig v 3.2.2 for the cygwin release also includes transfig which is very convenient. The installation of the binary distribution was quite simple I just unzipped and untared it. There was one small problem occured and that was that the binary distribution was installed in another directory X11R6.4 so thats why I tared the files once again and removed the X11R6.4 directory and untared everything in the X11R6 directory.

cd /usr
ln -s X11R6 X11R6.4
cd /
gunzip /cygdrive/d/Home/eriksson/cygwin/xfig/xfig-3.2.2-cygwin-b20.1-bin.tar.gz
tar -xvf /cygdrive/d/Home/eriksson/cygwin/xfig/xfig-3.2.2-cygwin-b20.1-bin.tar
cd /usr/X11R6.4/
tar -cvf ../xfig.tar .
cd ..
rm -R X11R6.4
cd X11R6
tar -xvf ../xfig.tar

Now to start xfig it is necessary to follow the following procedure.

  Start the Xserver (in my case i use PC-Xware).
  Then start cygwin.
  Finally in cygwin start xfig with:  xfig &

xfig 3.2.3d cygwin 1.3

  1. I downloaded the binary files from Pierr Humblets page for the following version xfig 3.2.3d cygwin 1.3. The files were downloaded to C:\DnLdPr\Cygwin\xfig\.
  2. Started cygwin and ran the following commands
    cd /cygdrive/c/DnLdPr/Cygwin/xfig
    gunzip xfig-3.2.3d-cygwin-1.3-bin.tar.gz
    pushd /
    tar -xvf /cygdrive/c/DnLdPr/Cygwin/xfig/xfig-3.2.3d-cygwin-1.3-bin.tar
    gzip xfig-3.2.3d-cygwin-1.3-bin.tar
  3. Started the X-server which nowadays is XFree86 under cygwin.
    cd ~
  4. I have also added the following alias to by .bash_profile which sets the some default status flags and the appearance of xfig that I am used to.
    alias xfig="xfig -lat -po -me -spec -startg 3 -startfo 10 -but_ 3"

Ispell 3.2.06

The last time I installed Ispell I modified the following installation description. The idea behind the modification was to put all my local files for the cygwin installation into the /usr/local directories, in a way this installation requires that cygwin is fully installed (but that is usually the case). Anyway, after this installation I had no problem with spell checking in XEmacs etc.
  1. Downloaded the last version of ispell for cygwin, see for example Pierre Humblet's ftp page. For a current version of the package
  2. I untared the ispell package in /usr/local so that the binary ispell file goes into /usr/local/bin.
  3. Copied cygwin1.dll from /usr/bin to /usr/local/bin.
  4. Added C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin to the path.
This procedure avoided the usage of the mount utility that is prescribed in the installation description available on the net.

Ispell 4_v03 2001-04-??

This is an old procedure that I followed when I installed the ispell4_v03 on my computer in a such a way that also emacs will know where it is. There is also another version, more closer related to GNU, of ispell Ispell. There is also an installation description for this package on the net.
  1. Uncompressed the zipped files into the directory C:\Programs\ispell4
  2. Copied the file "ispell" to C:\Programs\emacs-20.7\info\
  3. Added the following line to "C:\Programs\emacs-20.7\info\dir"
    "* ispell v4: (ispell). GNU ispell version 4 for NT Emacs"
  4. Copied the files "ispell4.el" into "C:\Programs\emacs-20.7\site-lisp" and byte compiled it using "M-x byte-compile-file" in Emacs.
  5. Added the following lines to my .emacs file so that emacs will know where ispell and the dictionarys are positioned.
    ;;   ispell4:
    (autoload 'ispell-word "ispell4" 
      "Check spelling of word at or before point" t)
    (autoload 'ispell-complete-word "ispell4" 
      "Complete word at or before point" t)
    (autoload 'ispell-region "ispell4" 
      "Check spelling of every word in the region" t)
    (autoload 'ispell-buffer "ispell4" 
      "Check spelling of every word in the buffer" t)
    (setq ispell-command "C:/Programs/ispell4/exe/ispell.exe"
          ispell-look-dictionary "C:/Programs/ispell4/ispell.words"
          ispell-look-command "C:/Programs/ispell4/exe/look.exe"
          ispell-command-options (list "-d" "C:/Programs/ispell4/ispell.dict")
  6. Added some minor things that followed from the file "ispell_port.html" that comes along with the ispell installation files.

Aspell .33.5 alpha (2001-07-16)

After installing XEmacs my ispell did not work properly so I tried to install Aspell. With this alpha installation spelling works fine except for that there is a problem when spell checking documents in latex mode in XEmacs. Symptom: the program crashes and Norton Crash guard makes an error log. There is also a bug reported on this crash on SourceForge I personally think that this bug depends on that regexps are sent to ispell in the tex-specific-mode that ispell.el generates.

During the installation I just followed the instructions in the documentation files.

  1. Downloaded the file from SourceForge.
  2. Unzipped everything into C:/aspell/.
  3. Added C:/aspell/ to the path.
  4. Added the following line to my init.el
    (setq-default ispell-program-name "aspell")
  5. Now spelling works in plain text files, and spelling from the command line prompt.

Swap caps control keys (2001-08-01)

On a swedish keybord the control key and the caps key are switched to the "wrong positions". I got some problems with my little finger on my left hand when working with emacs and cygwin. I have followed the simple guidlines given on the GNU Emacs FAQ page and taken following measures to swap these keys on a windows 2000 machine. Some more information is given by Gordon Chaffeea.
  1. Downloaded the registry file.
  2. Studied the registry file (in Notepad), to see that it was not corrupted.
  3. Ran the registry file.
  4. Restarted the computer.

ghostscript (2002-11-??)

After reinstalling the operating system I did not want to reinstall the full Ghostscript but only add the thing necessary for ghostscript to run. These are the measures that I took to make my LaTeX system (fpTeX with windvi) aware of ghostscipt. My installation of ghostscript is in D:\Programs\Aladdin.
  1. Added D:\Programs\Aladdin\gs7.03\bin
  2. Added the variable GS_LIB


I have had some problems with the postscript tools (like ps2pdf) under cygwin where I want to use the shell-scripts instead of the bat-files. The nice utilities (like ps2pdf) are included in ghostsript distributions are put into the gsX.XX/lib directory of the ghostscript installation. This was the procedure i followed to get everything to work, it also assumes that XFree is installed.
  1. Added the path to ghostscripts lib-directory to the path. (For Win2k this is done in Environmental variables under the System program in the control panel and system). For my case I added
    to the path.
  2. The shell-scripts call the function gs which on a pc corresponds to gswin32c.exe. Therefore I finally had to change the file C:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\gs to point to the correct location and version of my ghostscript. In particular I changed the following line
    GHOSTSCRIPT="/cygdrive/c/program files/Aladdin/gs6.01/bin/gswin32c.exe"
    to read the following text

LaTeX2HTML under cygwin (2002-03-20)

  1. Downloaded the netpbm files for cygwin from Pierre Humblet (he also have the good versions of xfig for cygwin).
  2. Installed the netpbm version 9.24 according to the installation instruction in the README file. Then I moved all (executable-)files from /usr/local/bin/netpbm to the /usr/local/bin directory that is included in the path. Finally I removed the empty netpbm directory.
    cd /
    tar -xzf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/LaTeX-related/netpbm-9.24-cygwin-1.3-bin.tar
    cd usr/local/bin/netpbm
    mv * ..
    cd ..
    rmdir netpbm/
  3. Downloaded the version V99.1 from a server, like this one.
  4. Uncompressed the files to the directory /usr/local/latex2html
    cd /usr/local
    tar -xvf /cygdrive/c/Downloads/LaTeX-related/latex2html/l2h99_1.tar
  5. Edited the files latex2html, texexpand, pstoimg, configure-pstoimg and install-test and makemap, so that the point to the right directory where my perl executable is, changed the first line from #!/usr/local/bin/perl to #!/usr/bin/perl.
  6. Ran the configuration script
    cd /usr/local/latex2html
    (during this procedure it is important that netpbm is included in the path). During the configuration I choose the option to generate the gif-files.

Sketch 0.6.14 (2002-10-07)

My installation of Sketch was made in two steps first the libraries, python and python image library and then the main installation of Sketch.

Python Image Library (PIL) 2002-10-07

  1. Installed python for cygwin distribution, it is directly available from the installer at cygwin.
  2. Installed python imaging library (PIL) under cygwin, the source was downloaded from and unziped and untared under /usr/local/src.
    cd /usr/local/src
    gunzip Imaging-1.1.3.tar.gz
    tar -xvf Imaging-1.1.3.tar
    cd Imaging-1.1.3
  3. When compiling I noticed that the directory structure was hard-coded for the X11 include files, therefore I added a symbolic link at /usr/include/X11
    ln -s /usr/X11R6/include/X11 /usr/include/X11
  4. Under cygwin the filename for the tcl-library file that is linked with it has also changed from libtcl8.0.a to libtc80.a so I made a minor change in the Makefile.
    -L/usr/local/lib -ltcl8.0 -ltk8.0
    -L/usr/local/lib -ltcl80 -ltk80
  5. Finally I compiled the python image library PIL successfully with the "big script"

Sketch 2002-10-07

  1. Downloaded sketch from sourceforge and unzipped and untared it into /usr/local/src.
  2. Followed the instructions in INSTALL-file and moved some files from PIL to /usr/inlcude/python2.2/Extensions, see last item in the list for the code.
  3. Once again the tcl library files had the wrong names in the cygwin distribution so I had to change the filenames in the script.
    for version in ["8.3", "8.2",  "8.1",  "8.0"]:
    for version in ["8.3", "8.2",  "8.1",  "80"]:
  4. The interprocess communication wasn't installed under cygwin when I did this installation, so I added the cygipc package from kde2 at sourceforge.
    cd /
    tar -jxvf /cygdrive/c/DnLdPr/Cygwin/kde/cygipc-1.11-1.tar.bz2
  5. Then I tried to compiled and installed sketch following the instructions in the INSTALL-file distributed with the package.
    cd /usr/local/src/sketch-0.6.14/
    ./ configure
    mkdir /usr/include/python2.2/Extensions
    cp ../Imaging-1.1.3/libImaging/ImConfig.h /usr/include/python2.2/Extensions/
    cp ../Imaging-1.1.3/libImaging/ImPlatform.h /usr/include/python2.2/Extensions/
    cp ../Imaging-1.1.3/libImaging/Imaging.h /usr/include/python2.2/Extensions/
    ./ configure
    ./ build
    But this fails and in the Pax-subdirectory I get the following error for the file tkwinobject.o and now my patience is exhausted
    running 'make' in Pax
    gcc -DUSE_DL_IMPORT -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -I/usr/include/python2.2 -I/usr/include/python2.2    -I/usr/include/ -I/usr/include/ -I/usr/X11R6/include -c ././tkwinobject.c -o ./tkwinobject.o
    ././tkwinobject.c:851: initializer element is not constant
    ././tkwinobject.c:851: (near initialization for `TkWinType.ob_type')
    make: *** [tkwinobject.o] Error 1
    exiting because of errors
    the same goes for a file in the Filter-directory
    gcc -DUSE_DL_IMPORT -DNDEBUG -g -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -I/usr/include/python2.2 -I/usr/include/python2.2    -c ././filterobj.c -o ./filterobj.o
    ././filterobj.c:947: initializer element is not constant
    ././filterobj.c:947: (near initialization for `FilterType.ob_type')
    make: *** [filterobj.o] Error 1


After installation of XEmacs 21.4.11 i found out that the package related to cygXpm-noX4.dll was missing, this file is available in the the cygwin xpm-nox package and can be found in the directory CYGROOT/usr/bin.

gnumex package

The gnumex package, written by Matthew Brett at Cambridge, is available on the net together with installation instructions.

starting cvs

CVS is installed in my cygwin and now I wanted to test cvs and run it on the packages that I develop. Information about cvs can be found at Where manuals and packages are available. There are also some reference cards for cvs. The repository contains the archive with the files.
  1. First I set the CVSROOT to /home/CVSROOT/ in .bash_profile
    export CVSROOT=/cygdrive/c/home/CVSROOT/ # for bash
    setenv CVSROOT /cygdrive/c/home/CVSROOT/ # if you use tcsh
  2. Then I initialized the complete cvs repository by running the command
    cvs init
    This is only done once for each repository.
  3. Then I added my model library to the CVS repository.
    cvs import -m "Imported source files" VehiclePro VehiclePro start
Some things normal users do.
Last modified: Wed Sep 24 12:59:13 Västeuropa, sommartid 2003